How Marriage Trial Separations Can Affect the Rest of Your Life
Couples tend to think in the short-term and thus only see a part of the big picture.
They'll tell themselves that they can move on from this and start fresh.
However, contrary to this thinking, separating from someone you have married and loved and (for some) have had a family with can truly affect your life in the long-term, as well as the lives of your children, if any.
The truth of the matter is that the effect of marriage trial separations will not just be felt for the next few months following the separation, but onwards and throughout the rest of your life.
How so?
- It affects your children's lives - No matter how many times you promise your kids that they will get to see the both of you even though one of you will be living in a different house, it does not take away the fact that your kids will have to get used to living in two different places, without their parents being together.
You may not see this most of the time, but kids and teenagers will feel the pain of your separation as a couple, and this will be evident in their performance in school, as well as the way they will treat their friendships and relationships. - It affects your relationship with the children - You will also have to adjust in the way that you treat your children, no matter who gets custody of them.
It is hard enough for them to try to see life the same way, and it will be just as hard for you to make them feel that they are not missing out on a normal family life.
You will spend the rest of your life trying to prove to your children that true love and a happy marriage can and should co-exist without them trying to prove you wrong by using your failed marriage as an example.
Therefore, the best thing to do would not be to make any rash decisions when you feel like your marriage is going into shambles.
Do what you can to save your marriage today, because you, your spouse, and your children will benefit from it later.