How to Design a Stick Diagram
- 1). Design a color-coded key for your stick diagram. Take four different colors and draw four straight lines to indicate each section of the design. Label one line metal, the second poly and the third active n+ or p+.
- 2). Learn the following rules before designing your stick diagram. The rules for designing stick diagrams are based on the characteristics of conducting layers. The routing is important, not the width of the materials. The poly line over the active line creates activity. Metal lines may cross over active or poly lines without a connection. Connections between layers are labelled with an X which represents an active contact.
- 3). Sketch your own stick diagram. You will discover that VLSI layouts can become complex as you add more wires that represent different energy transfers. Stick diagrams are easy to draw and will help you plan the wiring before using the CAD tool. Using the rules of circuit construction, draw a simple circuit. Draw six different lines that cross over each other and create various circuits of activity.
- 4). Experiment with your stick diagrams and explore different patterns and different electrical circuits. Keep in line with the rules of circuit formation and experiment with different patterns.
- 5). Research other examples of stick diagrams and take inspiration in creating new circuit designs.