One Move to Improve Your Vertical Jump
The ability to jump high is dependent not just on your strength but also on your ability to generate power.
Power is the ability to exert force rapidly, and can be thought of as explosive strength, the ability to harness the maximum amount of strength in the fastest time possible.
While exceedingly strong men can slowly lift incredible weights, they won't be able to explode upward with the same strength; in order to improve your vertical leap, you need to be able to rapidly recruit the strength you have built.
One key move will help you more than any other to do this, and that is the power clean.
The power clean trains an athlete to move a heavy weight quickly.
This training helps the body learn to generate explosive power, which is necessary for the vertical jump.
The ability to produce force against a weight is dependent on the speed at which that movement is trained at.
Your body becomes proficient at whatever style of training you spend doing; if you train at lifting heavy weights slowly, you will become excellent at doing just that.
If you train at lifting lighter weights quickly, you will also become proficient at that.
The rate of speed at which we train is the rate of speed to which we adapt.
However, the key difference is that strength developed at a slow speed can only be used at slow speeds, while strength developed at fast speeds can be used at fast speeds and any slower speed.
The power clean is an exercise that is dependent on excellent technique, and for that reason is rarely seen performed in commercial gyms.
This is a complex move, and thus you would benefit from the guidance of a coach, but the basics are as follows.
The move involves lifting a loaded barbell from the ground and resting it on the front muscles of your shoulders.
This move takes place in three phases.
The first is equivalent to a deadlift, where you raise the barbell from the ground and straighten, so that the barbell rests against your thighs, your back and arms straight.
The second involves the actual explosion, where you leap up, momentum and not your arms carrying the bar up to your shoulders.
The final phase involves locking the bar in the rack position, elbows pointed straight out, barbell resting on your delts.
Focus primarily on moving the barbell from the height of your thighs to the shoulders, and making sure your rack the barbell perfectly.
Lifting the barbell from the ground is essentially a deadlift, and should be performed as such.
The crucial aspect of the power clean is the jump, which only takes place once the barbell has been lifted to thigh height.
The arms are like ropes, and do not lifting.
It is the momentum from the jump that will cause the barbell to rise up to the racking position, not the biceps.
Practice the power clean first from the hang position, which is when you stand straight, arms straight down, holding the barbell against your thigh.
Unlock your knees and hips, so that both bend slightly, allowing the bar to slide down your thighs until its somewhere between a third and halfway down.
Now, from this jumping position, leap straight up.
Ignore your arms! Jump high enough that you have to straighten your legs and hips, and allow that momentum to carry the barbell up to your shoulders, where you rack it.
Focus on that jump, and once you have it down, once you can smoothly leap up and rack the barbell, you can start from the ground, lifting it to your thighs and THEN exploding up.
Make sure your form is perfect before adding weight.
Once you become proficient in this move, you will begin to notice an increase in your vertical leap, as your body begins to train itself to harness your strength into explosive power.
Power is the ability to exert force rapidly, and can be thought of as explosive strength, the ability to harness the maximum amount of strength in the fastest time possible.
While exceedingly strong men can slowly lift incredible weights, they won't be able to explode upward with the same strength; in order to improve your vertical leap, you need to be able to rapidly recruit the strength you have built.
One key move will help you more than any other to do this, and that is the power clean.
The power clean trains an athlete to move a heavy weight quickly.
This training helps the body learn to generate explosive power, which is necessary for the vertical jump.
The ability to produce force against a weight is dependent on the speed at which that movement is trained at.
Your body becomes proficient at whatever style of training you spend doing; if you train at lifting heavy weights slowly, you will become excellent at doing just that.
If you train at lifting lighter weights quickly, you will also become proficient at that.
The rate of speed at which we train is the rate of speed to which we adapt.
However, the key difference is that strength developed at a slow speed can only be used at slow speeds, while strength developed at fast speeds can be used at fast speeds and any slower speed.
The power clean is an exercise that is dependent on excellent technique, and for that reason is rarely seen performed in commercial gyms.
This is a complex move, and thus you would benefit from the guidance of a coach, but the basics are as follows.
The move involves lifting a loaded barbell from the ground and resting it on the front muscles of your shoulders.
This move takes place in three phases.
The first is equivalent to a deadlift, where you raise the barbell from the ground and straighten, so that the barbell rests against your thighs, your back and arms straight.
The second involves the actual explosion, where you leap up, momentum and not your arms carrying the bar up to your shoulders.
The final phase involves locking the bar in the rack position, elbows pointed straight out, barbell resting on your delts.
Focus primarily on moving the barbell from the height of your thighs to the shoulders, and making sure your rack the barbell perfectly.
Lifting the barbell from the ground is essentially a deadlift, and should be performed as such.
The crucial aspect of the power clean is the jump, which only takes place once the barbell has been lifted to thigh height.
The arms are like ropes, and do not lifting.
It is the momentum from the jump that will cause the barbell to rise up to the racking position, not the biceps.
Practice the power clean first from the hang position, which is when you stand straight, arms straight down, holding the barbell against your thigh.
Unlock your knees and hips, so that both bend slightly, allowing the bar to slide down your thighs until its somewhere between a third and halfway down.
Now, from this jumping position, leap straight up.
Ignore your arms! Jump high enough that you have to straighten your legs and hips, and allow that momentum to carry the barbell up to your shoulders, where you rack it.
Focus on that jump, and once you have it down, once you can smoothly leap up and rack the barbell, you can start from the ground, lifting it to your thighs and THEN exploding up.
Make sure your form is perfect before adding weight.
Once you become proficient in this move, you will begin to notice an increase in your vertical leap, as your body begins to train itself to harness your strength into explosive power.