What Is the AT&T Alias?
- AT&T allows you to create an alias for each phone number you have on their service. The alias is written in the following manner: "xxxx@txt.att.net," with "xxxx" standing for the alias you create for the phone number. The alias replaces your phone number when sending text messages, multimedia messages and text messages sent to email accounts. You can only have one alias at a time for your phone number, but you can change the alias as needed. Creating an alias is generally easier for others to remember and increases the security of your mobile phone number.
- Using an alias instead of a phone number allows you to receive messages from others without having to give out your phone number. This increases your security and privacy because it allows your recipients to send you a message, but not call you. In addition, if someone harasses you through your alias, you can change the alias so that you no longer receive messages from that sender.
- Creating an alias for your AT&T phone requires registration with the MyMessages section of their website, at att.com. To register, navigate to the MyMessages page and click "Register" in the left menu. Create a password in the "Password" section, and then create a security question and answer for your account. Enter your AT&T phone number and read the "Terms and Conditions" section. Click the box next to "I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions..." and then click "Next." Enter the confirmation code sent to your phone on the next screen to complete the registration.
- Once registered to the MyMessages website, you can create an alias. Log in to the website and then click "Message Options" in the left menu. Enter the alias you want to use in the "Alias" text box and click "Submit." If you have already created an alias and want to change it, delete the current alias, enter the new one and click "Submit." A confirmation screen appears informing you that the alias was added to your account.
- The alias feature from AT&T only works one way. If you reply to a message sent to your phone using the alias, the recipient of the reply can see your phone number. Take care when deciding who you reply to when the message is sent using the alias you created for your phone.