How to Run Power for a Wall Mount TV
Things You'll Need
1Cut a 3 inch-by-3 inch hole behind the TV using a box cutter. This specific hole size enables you to run other device wires through the hole to your TV, such as the cable box, DVD player and video game systems. Since the whole reason for concealing the power wire is for aesthetic appeal, make sure to position the hole where it cannot be seen, such as on either side of the wall mount that the TV will cover. The power cord enters this hole in order to go through the wall.
Cut a 3 inch-by-3 inch hole under the TV near the wall's power outlet. This is where the power cord exits the wall in order to be plugged into the electrical wall outlet.
Plug the female end of the power wire into the TV. Using duct tape to tape the power cord around a straightened wire hanger, and feed the hanger into the wall to the exit hole. Grab the wire hanger and untape the end of the power cord from the hanger, then plug it into the electrical outlet. Run the cord to the outlet or use an extension cord to reach the wire to the outlet. Position decorative items, such as a desk or table, in front of the wire to conceal its presence.