My Italian Cypress Is Turning Brown
- The browning of evergreens is commonly referred to as needle blight. Needle blights are caused either by poor growing conditions or pathogenic infections.
- Sudden brown, red or purple discoloration of needles characterizes needle blights. Symptoms start at either the tip or base of needles and gradually spread over the entire tree. Severely affected trees take on a general brown look.
- Poorly irrigated trees that suffer from drought display symptoms of needle blight. Stressed trees are prone to winter injury and sunscald, which exacerbates discoloration. Fungal infections that lead to root rot disease are also a common cause of declining and browning evergreens. Trees growing at higher elevations are more susceptible to root rot.
- Water trees well especially during periods of high heat. Mulching trees helps to preserve moisture in roots. Do not over water as this promotes the growth of root rot causing fungi. Apply a balanced fertilizer during spring.