These Waves of Sea
These waves of sea I see worm their way into my heart; I weep for yesterday.
These waves of sea I smell plug up my senses- and I play the fiddle one more time.
These waves of sea beat me back- back back- into the onrushing waves.
Waves undulate comically sinuously lovingly underneath me.
Sea foam sprays up, hitting my face, making me see stars until I vomit.
Sea foam comes forth from the sea; I await a brand new morning and end up hating the dawn.
When it comes I can see it clear as glass shards in the window; I weep.
Will you weep for me when it is time to run? Will you sing for me when it is time to crawl away? Or will you be ever-present- ever-joyous- ever-loving- as I have made you in my dreams? Will you be there for me- or run- or crawl- jump far and fly high? Which will it be? I wish to know- I wish to see all of you in my dreams of the past.
I wish to know that fire burning so brightly in your face- as well as I know my own.
I wish to know that spark burning behind your eyes- as well as my own now laid to rest.
Will you see me? Or run when you do? Which- which will it be? when you see me?