How to Search for People in the USA
Try using several search engines and then consolidate the information you have gathered. Once you have consolidated all of the information resulting from your searches, it will be easier to evaluate the data for accuracy. In addition, the data will give you some ideas about how to move forward with your search.
Limit your search by looking for the person you wish to locate by region. Type in the state, if you know it. Next, locate the state's Property Appraisal Tax office. Input the person's name on the website to search for any properties owned, which will give you the address of record, and possibly even the current address of residence. This information is public record and is free of charge.
Get the white or yellow pages directory to locate people. Utilizing the hard copy is free for easy access but online sources might require a subscription fee for information. It is a traditional method though but it really works if the person has listed his personal number.
Search the school finders to locate classmates. You can gain access to free online databases, input the name of the person you are looking for, the name of the school attended, and the location of the school to check personal information and profiles.
Conduct a search by inputting different versions of the person's name. For example, if the nickname is Dan, try plugging in Daniel. The information may lead to the person's MySpace, Facebook, or Twitter account.
If you have additional information for the person you are searching for, you are way ahead of the game. Validate the information resulting from your searches by entering a birthdate, middle name, phone number, social security number, or mailing address. Talk to people you know who may be able to provide these kinds of details.
Whether you are searching for a relative, old friend, or classmate, the Internet can make your job a lot easier. Using your favorite search engine, such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing, see how far you can get using the provided tips. Be sure to verify your research by using at least 2 or 3 additional sources. Central archives are also a quick and easy resource for helping you find people online, especially in America. You will be surprised at how easy it is!