Why You Have Back Spasms
You bend to reach something that fell on the floor and suddenly you are racked with painful spasms.
Maybe you are thinking I have reached to pick up things off the floor many times a day.
Why did I have a muscle spasm now? There are many reasons why you have back spasms.
First let us look at what a muscle spasm is: A spasm is a powerful tightening or contraction of the muscle.
This contraction is so powerful that the muscles may feel rock hard.
Actually spasm or designed to protect an injured area by limiting the movement of this area.
Muscles spasm happen when you suddenly move or overextend a tensed up muscle.
The back being one of the largest muscles of the body is very prone to these spasms.
Spasms occur when a muscle for one reason or another is weakened or overstressed.
Below are the three of the most common.
can occur due to a variety of reasons.
A Tipped Pelvis: Some people are born with a tipped pelvis.
This is a condition where the pelvis is tilted forward putting undo strain on muscles and nerves.
When my wife was pregnant she found out that she had this condition and by doing some specific exercises was able to correct the tipped pelvis.
Muscle Imbalance: Like a tipped pelvis muscle imbalances can throw your whole body out of alignment.
Specific exercises will correct this imbalance and cure the muscles spasms.
Most people with poor posture are suffering from muscle imbalance.
The poor posture is causing the muscles in one area to over compensate, pulling your body out of balance.
Injury/Accident: This is what happened to me.
I was injured at work while lifting a heavy object.
many auto accident can also result in muscle/back/neck injury and painful spasms.
If you experience back spasm and are asking 'Why you have back spasms?" You may want to see your doctor.
He/she can determine if it's serious or just overstressed muscles.
To stop the spams try these tips: 1.
Lie down: 2.
Icing: Immediately after experiencing muscle spasm put some ice on the affected area.
Cold calms down irritated nerves and prevents swelling.
Heat: Try the ice first but after the first day a heating pad can help soothe the pain and settle down the spasm.
Gentle Stretching: Try some gentle and slow stretching movements to help release the tension.
Massage: Massaging and pressing direct on the painful area breaks up the fluid that has collected in the muscle fibers relieving the pain.
Back spams are painful.
Hopefully the above information helps you understand why you have back spasms and what you can do to stop them.
Maybe you are thinking I have reached to pick up things off the floor many times a day.
Why did I have a muscle spasm now? There are many reasons why you have back spasms.
First let us look at what a muscle spasm is: A spasm is a powerful tightening or contraction of the muscle.
This contraction is so powerful that the muscles may feel rock hard.
Actually spasm or designed to protect an injured area by limiting the movement of this area.
Muscles spasm happen when you suddenly move or overextend a tensed up muscle.
The back being one of the largest muscles of the body is very prone to these spasms.
Spasms occur when a muscle for one reason or another is weakened or overstressed.
Below are the three of the most common.
can occur due to a variety of reasons.
A Tipped Pelvis: Some people are born with a tipped pelvis.
This is a condition where the pelvis is tilted forward putting undo strain on muscles and nerves.
When my wife was pregnant she found out that she had this condition and by doing some specific exercises was able to correct the tipped pelvis.
Muscle Imbalance: Like a tipped pelvis muscle imbalances can throw your whole body out of alignment.
Specific exercises will correct this imbalance and cure the muscles spasms.
Most people with poor posture are suffering from muscle imbalance.
The poor posture is causing the muscles in one area to over compensate, pulling your body out of balance.
Injury/Accident: This is what happened to me.
I was injured at work while lifting a heavy object.
many auto accident can also result in muscle/back/neck injury and painful spasms.
If you experience back spasm and are asking 'Why you have back spasms?" You may want to see your doctor.
He/she can determine if it's serious or just overstressed muscles.
To stop the spams try these tips: 1.
Lie down: 2.
Icing: Immediately after experiencing muscle spasm put some ice on the affected area.
Cold calms down irritated nerves and prevents swelling.
Heat: Try the ice first but after the first day a heating pad can help soothe the pain and settle down the spasm.
Gentle Stretching: Try some gentle and slow stretching movements to help release the tension.
Massage: Massaging and pressing direct on the painful area breaks up the fluid that has collected in the muscle fibers relieving the pain.
Back spams are painful.
Hopefully the above information helps you understand why you have back spasms and what you can do to stop them.