Christian Bale"s Big Performances
When talking about who is the king, the name that will immediately enter the mind is that one of Daniel Day Lewis, followed by another great; Leonardo Di Caprio, and Johnny Depp.
Do not forget this hitherto overlooked name that has suddenly become very big; Christian Bale.
Here are some of his big performances.
The movie Batman Begins was superb but the Dark Knight was simply outstanding.
The all star cast and unforgettable performance from Heath Ledger, which actually overshadowed the performance of Christian Bale.
Ledger made one of the best villains in the history of Hollywood, even though Bale did quite a great job alongside Bruce Wayne.
Then there is the film which had deception and of playing a double game, where Christian Bale was just marvelous in The Prestige.
What is intriguing is that he keeps you guessing throughout the movie whether the character is a good guy of a villain and that is quite an impossible feat for anyone else to achieve.
That is exactly how he stole the show and left Hugh Jackman playing second fiddle.
If you have ever watched The Machinist, you might have noticed how the emaciated insomniac that is just confused over everything is played very well by Bale whose character is called Trevor Reznik.
It is said that his commitment to this role set a new level at 70 pounds of weight loss that he needed for this role.
You would think Memento was perfect in Thinner.
A movie based on a book called by this very name, Bale has the role of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho in which he acts as a psycho New York investment bank executive of the 80s.
In my view, this movie captures the imagination.
Of the many outstanding films that were in the theatres from 2008 which most people might have missed, it would be quite worthwhile to watch Rescue Dawn; the director was Werner Herzog.
Its story line is of an American fighter pilot, shot down during the war in Laos.
Steve Zahn and Bale are both very big actors and that they took the extra step to reduce weight for this movie is remarkable.
His most memorable performance is seen in 3:10 to Yuma together with Russell Crowe.
This, as it ended up, was a very new role for Bale as he had to act the cowboy in a desert.
Who would have thought that John Foster would shine in this movie?