The Most Effective Mosquito Control Treatments
Nothing can send an outdoor party indoor as fast as the nips of mosquitoes. Depending on where and how a homeowner needs to address their mosquito problem, buying the appropriate product can be challenging. Mosquito traps will complement personal insect repellents, especially in highly wooded or water abundant areas. There are also many tried and true methods that simply are not as effective as the mosquito control products available today. Mosquito lamps work, but note that the bugs that help you, like spiders or bees, will also be eliminated with these types of traps. Homeowners will have to adjust their pest control plan accordingly depending on the amount of bugs. If bugs are not consuming each other, then a potential infestation could start in your garden or yard. To keep mosquitoes from biting and keeping a controllable balance of pests, you need to select the right pest control product!
Almost Like a TV Remote!
Try to use the following alternatives in place of traditional mosquito control
ThermaCELL Portable Mosquito Repellent Appliance: If you dislike the fumes and scent of pesticides, this is a great option to look into. In any suspected areas of mosquitoes, this device has been tested to be effective against them very well. Butane powers this device, and so batteries, plugs and cords are not necessary. This device is great because it is portable and no bigger than a TV remote.
ThermaCELL Mosquito Repellent Patio Lantern: As this looks just like any other lamp, this is great for the homeowner that would like a more nonobtrusive trap. In addition to acting as a repellent for mosquito control, the lantern is also an emission style light source.
Coleman Mosquito Deleto: When it comes to a portable trap option, the Mosquito Deleto is a device that effectively lures mosquitoes. Carbon dioxide combined with a chemical attracts the mosquitoes. Position this€">pest control product carefully so that it will be more effective.
Skin So Soft by Avon: This is an effective mosquito deterrent despite usually being known as a skin moisturizer? This is well known to be an effective product with a pleasant smell, though not marketed as a mosquito repellent.
To deter mosquitoes general spray insecticides work well. However, a combination of a personal spray product and an actual repellent device can be the most effective option for mosquito control. If the environment is completely overwhelmed by mosquitoes such as in water or woody areas, no amount of mosquito repellent will be effective will do much.
What Won't Work
There are many€">pest control products on the market that may seem powerful, but are ineffective. The NOsquito Mosquito Vacuum uses several of the common mosquito repellent methods such as CO2, chemical bait and heat, but has not been show to be an effective method for trapping and repelling. Something that has been long thought to be a natural mosquito repellent are citronella candles. However, tests have shown that there is not a considerable difference between citronella versus plain candle use. The scent has little to do with the deterring effect, in fact it is more the heat and CO2 that is emitted. The product's purpose needs to be clearly defined before buying. Some are meant to repel mosquitoes while others are meant to exterminate them. Repellent products are effective in the immediate time frame, though useless for long term control. A mosquito problem might still persist even though the exterminating product is killing mosquitoes. It is also important to consider how safe and effective a product is for areas where there are children or pets.