How to Find an Electric Fireplace Heater
It gives you most of the advantages of a regular fireplace, without the carbon monoxide, mess, and fuss that a conventional fireplace can produce.
These fireplaces are also extremely inexpensive compared to a conventional or even a gas fireplace, and can be installed just about anywhere.
Pricing for electric fireplaces starts around two hundred dollars, and rises from there.
A custom fireplace with an include entertainment center could cost thousands.
However, there are plenty of good quality electric fireplaces in between.
The insert itself is what's responsible for heat production, and includes a log set, blower, and electronic controls.
Inserts are generally responsible for most of the price of a cheap electric fireplace.
You can buy electric fireplace inserts alone, or as part of a cabinet.
There are units available which fit in corners, and help you avoid a waste of space, units with built in bookshelves or curio cabinets, and all kinds of styles.
Fireplace heaters come with mantels of wood, cast marble, wood and tile, and are available in three basic sizes - twenty-three inches, twenty-eight inches and thirty-three inches.
However, some other sizes are also available.
Larger inserts usually have larger logs and a bigger "flame", as well as a larger mantelpiece.
There are plenty of different mantel and insert combinations, however, making it easy to get one that will work for your situation.
Smaller houses, condos and apartments, and RVs can all benefit from these compact heaters.
If you've ever wanted the romance of a fireplace in a small space, this is the perfect solution.
When you go shopping, remember to look for quality of construction.
This can be tricky to do from photographs, but there are a few more things you can look for if you've decided to order online.
For instance, heavier electric fireplaces tend to be higher quality.
Heavier construction means a more durable heater in the long run.
A good fireplace should also be compatible with your local outlets, and capable of operating with or without heat.
Extras you might find include very realistic logs, glass doors, attractive case designs and many others.
They may drive the price up, however.
That's why it's important to think carefully about what you really want in an electric fireplace.
Buy locally or online, but be sure to know what you want and what you can expect to pay for it.
That's the best way to get a good deal on the electric fireplace heater you really want.