News About Drugs in Drinking Water and What You Can Do About It
If so, you are probably researching right now to find out more about what may be present in your water supply.
There has been a great deal of discussion surrounding what can be contained in public water supplies, and a lot of concern regarding what is accurate and what is not.
Some of the claims sound more like urban legends than actual facts.
The rumors and the actual statistics may run together, and soon people become quite confused about what actually is out there.
So, what drugs found in drinking water have been recorded? A wider range than you might imagine.
The E.
has gone on record stating that drugs present in water supplies represent a very real, emerging threat for our society, and that drugs factor into many cases of health problems and other negative physical situations.
How do drugs in drinking water get there in the first place without being filtered out at a central purifying center? The answer lies in the technology behind what these plants are and how they operate.
These plants were designed to be extremely effective at disease control.
Central municipal filtration has trouble controlling substances with a molecular size smaller than water.
The upsetting news is that nearly all synthetic drugs fit this description.
A large amount of your everyday water is recycled through treatment plants that do not always have the means to control water quality.
This means that you may be coming into contact with some very dangerous drugs.
There is a wide range of drugs that have been recorded to be found in drinking water.
For starters, drugs such as antibiotics, birth control drugs and anti depressants may find their way into water supplies after passing through a person's systems.
The effects of these drugs on secondhand users vary.
There can be hormonal imbalances brought on from hormones found in water or the development of resistances to various antibiotic drugs.
In the latter case, this could raise the possibility of a person's resistance to types of antibiotics.
This raises the threat of the evolution of various types of super viruses when coupled with different diseases encountering weak forms of these antibiotics in people's systems.
Additionally, some drugs in drinking water come not from individual use and circulation, but rather the industrial run off from a number of faulty sites, such as farm chemicals or factory spillage.
Things such as pesticides, animal hormones, and factory-grade synthetics have proven exceptionally difficult to remove from water systems and are not always easy to detect in the first place.
We all know that none of these were designed to come into human contact.
I have to wonder what kind of havoc they are wreaking on our bodies right now.
Another important factor with the problem of drugs in drinking water is that a number of point-of-use systems put into homes to help control these drugs are in fact ineffectual.
Systems such as water distillation units and reverse osmosis systems both rely on filtration methods that only strain out some harmful compounds, leaving others.
In the case of distillation, water is run across a heated coil, and its evaporated form is collected in a distilled form.
This controls heavier material, but for most drugs that have both a higher point of boiling than water and an extreme heat resilience, this treatment does nothing.
Reverse oxidization, on the other hand, attempts to manage drugs in drinking water by running water through a semi-permeable membrane to filter out larger contaminants.
But as you learned above, these drugs are smaller and go right through! The only type of point of use filtration that has been proven effective is carbon based filtration, coupled with a multi stage process that ensures that all known threats are removed.
In this method, the persistent threat of drugs finally comes to a restat exactly the place you need it to - right before it comes into contact with you and your family.