The Beauty of Possessing Cats - Cat Outdoor Enclosures
Hey! Congrats on your new cat.
Mr. Orange is the noisiest cat in the neighborhood and, I'm afraid, may soon bring unwelcome comments from the neighbors. He is a large male, orange with a white belt around his middle. He doesn't come every night, so I know others are helping this supposedly homeless cat. One never knows for sure how many homes these strays have. I received a letter from a knowledgeable ferrel cat coalition and I heard about the process of TNR, which means trap, neuter and release. I only hope I will have time to do all this. Chatty will in fact be going to the cattery as I am taking a very long flight to North Carolina (I live in San Diego) to visit my son, his wife and their two children. It's time for Chatty to retire. I hope I'm right in thinking that the males have another feeding spot across the street.
Invest in an Outdoor Cat Enclosure.
Outside cat runs are netted or caged in enclosures that are much longer than they are wide. The style of the cat run can be anything from a long tube, to a large tunnel with toys, hammocks, and different levels to stand on. These runs are great for allowing felines to run and play outside, while being safely enclosed in a specific area of the yard.
4. Get pet insurance: Pet Plan - This is a great company, good rates, and I think will insure pets under 9 years old, but you'll have to check. I've had three claims with them and they were swift and professional. Can't recommend them highly enough.
2. Do not feed your cat onions, garlic, chocolate... those are the biggies, but there are many others. Go online and download a list of do's and don'ts as far as what cats can eat. To be on the safe side, don't feed them human food.
Fully Customizable
There are other natural litters that are good, as well. One is made out of newspapers, and I think Feline Pine now has a clumping litter. One litter I would NOT recommend is the wheat litters. It's nice that they're natural, but the smell is awful! I know some people like that and/or the corn litters but I, personally, would never use them again.
1. Keep all lilies out of the house. They are highly toxic and can kill your cat within days.
7. Everybody has a different view on this one, but I am in the "indoor cat" camp. My cats are happy kids indoors, and there are just too many dangers outside these days depending on where you live - from cars to coyotes. There is a company that makes outdoor enclosures that my cats just love, it's called Kittywalk.
Use a Leash and Harness.