Grass Lawns That Never Need to Be Mowed
- Artificial grass is used for sporting events as well as home lawns.Jupiterimages/ Images
Although a well-manicured lawn provides the appearance of natural beauty, green lawns can be a heavy drain on local natural resources as well as a homeowner's pocket book. Of course, neglecting a natural lawn can violate local ordinances. Artificial lawns stay green all year long and can save on both resources and maintenance. Best of all, these lawns never need to be mowed. - One option for those looking to install a low-maintenance lawn that never needs mowing is carpet-style artificial grass. This grass comes in roles and can be laid down on almost any surface. Although the grass is often used as a turf for golf and is often made of the same polyethylene plastic that is used in artificial putting greens, this grass can be textured and molded to look much more realistic by using multi-colored blades and non-uniform blade lengths. The carpet is held tightly in place with a combination of ramset nails and synthetic rubber tracking. Although the carpeted style is less expensive than other artificial lawns and never needs cutting, the problem with carpeting is a lack of breathability and water drainage during heavy rain.
- Another alternative for the lawn is a fill artificial lawn. This uses patches instead of carpet, and grass is connected by tightly packed synthetic fill. The synthetic fill may be plastic, nylon or rubber, and the grass can be polyethylene fiber, nylon or a hybrid of the two. The chief advantage of fill-style grass over artificial carpet is its ability to drain easily after a rain and a simulation of real grass, even down to artificial thatching and texture. The chief disadvantage of fill-style artificial lawns are the lack of strength compared to carpet-style artificial grass and the need for occasional raking to preserve the aesthetic.
- Yarn fiber artificial grass provides some of the most luxurious and soft artificial turf for home lawns. Like all artificial grass, yarn fiber does not require mowing and will not die during harsh winter or dry spells. Fibers can be made of polyurethane, polyethylene or nylon and come both in artificial gravel fill or carpet. Yarn fibers are softer and provide a more luxurious lawn year-round with only an annual pressure washing and occasional broom brushing.