Hops Growing Tips
- Dried hops cones are used for beer making.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Hops provide the bittering agent in beer. These perennial vines also provide an attractive hedge when grown along fences or supports. The deep-green foliage and cones provide an ornamental quality to the landscape. They are relatively low-maintenance plants that grow well for many years when properly tended. - There are both male and female hop plants. If you are growing hops to harvest the cones for beer making, plant only female plants. The variety you choose also depends on climate as well as the flavor and aroma desired. The University of Utah advises growing only American varieties, as the European types do not produce the same flavor and aroma when grown in North America. In areas with short summer, choose an early-maturing hop, such as cascade.
- Site hops in a location receiving 12 hours of daily sun in the summer. Avoid planting in areas with poor air circulation, as hops are prone to a variety of fungal diseases. The plants cannot tolerate wet roots, so well-drained soil is necessary. They grow best when planted in loam soils that are rich in organic matter. Working compost into the bed before planting improves the quality of poorer soils.
- Hops grow as long vines reaching 20 or more feet in length. They climb by twining clockwise around their support. Plant the hops near a tall support such as a fence or install a trellis system. They can grow 2 feet in one week, so they must be trained to the support. Cut the plants back to two or three strong shoots in spring. Wind these remaining shoots around the support until they begin climbing on their own, otherwise the vines may sprawl across the ground.
- Hops go dormant in winter. Once you have harvested the cones, cut back all the vines to 2 feet in height. While they are frost hardy, severe freezes damage unprotected roots. Bury the remaining vine in a trench and cover with 4 inches of mulch, which protects the roots from temperature fluctuations. The buried vine produces new buds and vines in the spring.