Stopping a Dog From Barking
Have you spent countless hours awake because your dog barks constantly? Are you worried your neighbors are going to be filing a complaint against you? Stopping a dog from barking can be a much easier task if you know what you're up against.
Dogs bark just like we talk.
They bark for a reason (while admittedly it might not always be a good one).
Because of this, you can't completely stop a dog from barking.
It's just too instinctual and a dog wouldn't be a dog without it.
However, there are ways to make your dog stop barking constantly.
Constant barking can be not only annoying and potentially illegal in many neighborhoods.
Many cities not only support reporting neighbors of having obnoxious dogs, but encourage that they file a report.
If your dog puts you among this demographic, it's time to seriously consider doing something about it.
Now, in order to stop a dog from barking, we really need to understand why the dog is barking in the first place.
A dog will bark for a lot of reasons (most of the same reasons we talk.
) Your dog might bark because it wants attention, to alert you of an intruder, to show excitement, express loneliness, out of boredom, from hunger, when he's too hot or cold, etc.
As I said, the first step is in figuring out why your dog is barking.
To do this, you need to keep track of when your dog is barking.
Is he barking when he's left alone? Is he barking when nothing is going on? Does he bark when there's a lot going on?
Dogs bark just like we talk.
They bark for a reason (while admittedly it might not always be a good one).
Because of this, you can't completely stop a dog from barking.
It's just too instinctual and a dog wouldn't be a dog without it.
However, there are ways to make your dog stop barking constantly.
Constant barking can be not only annoying and potentially illegal in many neighborhoods.
Many cities not only support reporting neighbors of having obnoxious dogs, but encourage that they file a report.
If your dog puts you among this demographic, it's time to seriously consider doing something about it.
Now, in order to stop a dog from barking, we really need to understand why the dog is barking in the first place.
A dog will bark for a lot of reasons (most of the same reasons we talk.
) Your dog might bark because it wants attention, to alert you of an intruder, to show excitement, express loneliness, out of boredom, from hunger, when he's too hot or cold, etc.
As I said, the first step is in figuring out why your dog is barking.
To do this, you need to keep track of when your dog is barking.
Is he barking when he's left alone? Is he barking when nothing is going on? Does he bark when there's a lot going on?