The Right Attitude for Preparation of a Successful Double-Lung Transplant
Here are tips that can help get you mentally prepared so your body will get with the program: • Make a personal pledge to change your lifestyle that positively contributes to having the double-lung transplant.
A mental note to one's self may not be adequate, but actually putting your commitment down in writing may make more of an impression on your personal psyche to be more determined.
Write down goals with definitive objectives needed to be maintained and the particular changes needed to be accomplished.
Sign it and place it where you can see it daily.
If you need support from others to help you make your commitments, post it so they can help you stay on task.
• Get professional instruction and guidance.
In addition to the required instructions from your transplant team and rehab therapy personnel that you are to undertake in preparation for the transplant surgery, consider finding someone professional to help.
For instance, find a professional in your area needing improvement to work with you such as an exercise trainer or a nutrition specialist.
These personnel are available to you at your transplant hospital or you can get outside help.
This added help and encouragement will make a positive difference in your preparation for the double-lung transplant surgery.
• Manage weight gain, if this is an issue, into achievable goals.
If your transplant team expresses concern about having gained weight such that it is problematic, then it is time to really do something or you might risk getting removed from the waiting list.
Healthy weight loss is difficult for those already health-compromised.
Unrealistic goals could lead to illness and frustration.
Again, be positive and use professionals, if necessary.
• Keep a nutrition notebook.
Record what you eat, how much you eat, and how you feel when you eat.
If you are diabetic, this is critically important.
Check your glucose levels and record those.
Then, you can begin to be aware of your personal eating behaviors and eating issues that come from stress, anxiety, or not enough exercise.
• Monitor your health.
Read your blood pressure on a daily basis.
Is it where it should be? Check your pulse oximetry, if necessary.
Monitor all other health factors, like reactions to medication or medication changes.
A fever is a clue something is not right.
Call your transplant coordinator when things don't seem right.
• Accept daily strife as best as possible.
There will be setbacks along the way but, instead of giving up, think through issues to overcome them.
There are multiple ways to think strategically to accomplish what you need to do.
You can make a wrong turn occasionally without giving up on your double-lung transplant journey.
• Be your own champion.
Each week evaluate your successes.
Begin to see more clearly how you can get through the surgery and take that first walk down the hall off of oxygen.
The more you visualize that picture in your head, the more confidence you will have that you can get through the surgery.
When you reward yourself for your success, remember to thank those around who helped you achieve it.
• Don't miss appointments.
Go to clinic, do your labs, get your chest x-rays done and anything else requested.
Be pumped up about doing these things.
How? By knowing all these things will lead to a better read on your health status.
As hard as it is some days to get going, know that it has to all get done so you may as well stay positive.
• Maintain a good weight in anticipation of the surgery.
It is important to follow your transplant center's weight guidelines.
When you are first evaluated for a transplant, notations of your size are made for apparent reasons: your donor lungs must fit in your body.
If you gain too much weight, it is likely that someone from the transplant team may address the issue with you.
It's important to be compliant.
If you lose too much weight, there might be something affecting your overall health and this must be brought to the attention of your transplant coordinator or physician.
Either way, weight changes must be monitored and reported to your transplant team.
Maintaining a good weight in preparation for the double-lung transplant surgery will make it easier on your post-transplant recovery.
Maintaining a good weight would make you feel better and likely live longer.
Seek support from your friends and family.
Let them know how important your transplant goals are.
Positive attitude changes made in preparation for your double-lung transplant surgery can serve as a powerful example for others seeking double-lung transplants, too.
The secret to an ultimate double-lung transplant surgery success is a good mental outlook.
Rosalie Lopez is not a medical doctor and her tips are layperson's tips that she found successfully worked for her in her double-lung transplant journey.
It is important to be compliant with your transplant team's instructions and stay positive.