How to Reduce the Acidity in Soil From Gravel
- 1). Determine the pH of your soil. This test should be done at numerous places and the readings averaged together.
Meters which instantly measure pH are available, as are test kits in which a sample is taken and returned to a laboratory. Either method can be used. - 2). Apply a pH raising product such as lime, oyster shells or wood ash. Ground limestone is applied at a maximum rate of 50 pounds per 1000 square feet. The "Raising pH" resource provides other recommendations on the amount to apply.
Most pH raising additives are insoluble in water, meaning they must be worked into the soil rather than sprinkled on top.
It may take trial and error to get the pH level where you want it. - 3). Retest the soil after several months have passed and verify the pH level is at the targeted level. Reapply lime or other additive as needed.