Over 90,000 Products To Choose From But Promotional Pens Are Still Number One
Promotional pens are not selected for just these reasons they are also consider by marketers to promote a business because they are made from such a wide variety of materials come in such a diverse choice of colour options and apart from normal disposable type pens you can buy recycled, recyclable, environmental and eco friendly type pens as well this means that no matter what your event you are sure to find a writing instruments that will suit the occasion. This combined with the fact that you can advertise your brand on very inexpensive plastic giveaway pens or on more expensive products with household brand name pens from large multi-national corporations like Cross and Parker for a few pounds will also help when planning your event.
When you consider that there is over 90,000 products for businesses to choose from when selecting products to brand with their corporate message and logo it is an astonishing achievement for one product to be so popular among so many for so long. Being the number one promotional item for over two decades is no mean feat for the humble pen when you consider that it is competing with the digital age where you can buy products promotional mouse mats, USB flash drives, USB hubs, mobile phone screen cleaners, charms and holders then there is the corporate clothing sector where it is more popular than the promotional sweatshirt, t-shirt and baseball cap and having competed in the technological age we at Boosters feel that promotional pens will still be the number one promotional product for the next decade and beyond.