How to Properly Measure an A4 Card
When it comes to desktop publishing there is a wide variety of terms that a user should be familiar with. Parent sheets are the larger sheets that are usually being used for commercial printers. Their size could be adjusted, either by cutting them or folding them into smaller sizes. Cut sizes are the rather smaller sheets of paper that are used for a typical household printer. They can also be used for desktop printers including letter and tabloid sizes. Basis weight is the weight measured in pounds. It is based on the weight of 500 sheets of any size of standard paper. Basic size is the traditional standard sheet size. This measurement is used to assess the basis weight for 500 sheets or standard paper.
These terms will help you find your way in the sometimes too complex system of paper sizes. The complexity can be derived from the different systems used by different countries. By knowing the standardized form, you will be able to compare the different options that you have.
ISO first originated in Germany in 1922. It has been adopted in Europe after a few years. ISO is an entity that is not associated with any government office. It is in charge with publishing international standards. The most recent update was done in 2007. Standard 216 was the result of this update. It was only in the 19th century where the American standard sizes were adopted.
The A-series of the ISO paper sizes, among those, the A4 card size, are based on metric measurements. They are very logical and easy to understand. The biggest size is the A0 and if you fold it in half, it will be the size of an A1. If you fold an A1, it will be the size of an A2. The same goes with A3. If you fold an A3 it will be the exact size of the A4.
There are a lot of terms that are used for standardized paper sizes. These include parent sheets, cut sizes, basis weight and basis size. If you want to understand how the paper sizing systems work, these terms would be very useful. The most popular system, the ISO, originated way back in 1922 and has been recently updated last 2007. The American paper sizing system has been developed later than the ISO and is being continually used in the U.S. as the primary paper size system. Although it is being ignored in the U.S., the A4 card is still the most popular card size for many countries.