IQ-Booster Tips
Five food in focus 1) The red pepper is a ripened version of the green variety and the extra time allowed for maturing increase the overall nutrient content.
Both red and green peppers are rich in protective antioxidant nutrients vitamin C and beta-carotene, which is a vitamin A precursor.
However, the red pepper has 20 per cent more vitamin C than the green one and 15 time more beta carotene.
The rich red colour of a red pepper is proof of its high levels of beta carotene.
2) Broccoli, a member of the cabbage family, is an ideal food: it comprises 90 per cent water, it is packed fell of vitamins and minerals and on top of that it contains very few calories.
Broccoli is another free radical fighting food, protecting cell in the brain and from oxidative damage.
The dark green colour that manages to disguise the presence of deep orange beta carotene, but it is in fact the orange colour that makes broccoli dark rather than light green.
3) Beetroot is a bonus brain food because it contains so many important brain nutrients.
To produce energy the brain needs carbohydrates plus oxygen.
Beetroots are rich in readily useable carbohydrates, and they provide a source of iron, which help blood to carry oxygen to the brain.
The purple colour of beetroot is caused by the presence of anthocyanidins.
These protect delicate brain cell membranes, making them more receptive to neurotransmitter messages.
Beetroots are also rich in the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, important for good mental health, which all work together to produce and transmit neuromessages.
4) Beans are a valuable source of protein, especially for vegetarians.
However, because they are moderately low in some of the amino acids, they cannot be considered a 'complete' protein like meat or cheese.
However, brow rice, millet pasta or couscous can be used to complement beans to create a nutritious meat substitute.
5) Molasses is dark, thick, sweet syrup, which is extracted from sugar cane plants.
However, unlike white sugar, which contains no vitamins or minerals, molasses is a super food packed with lot of brain building nutrients.
It has plenty of the minerals magnesium, iron, copper and manganese and all B vitamins required to build and power neurotransmitters.
One tablespoon of molasses contains more than three times the iron found in an egg and more calcium than a glass of milk.
Both red and green peppers are rich in protective antioxidant nutrients vitamin C and beta-carotene, which is a vitamin A precursor.
However, the red pepper has 20 per cent more vitamin C than the green one and 15 time more beta carotene.
The rich red colour of a red pepper is proof of its high levels of beta carotene.
2) Broccoli, a member of the cabbage family, is an ideal food: it comprises 90 per cent water, it is packed fell of vitamins and minerals and on top of that it contains very few calories.
Broccoli is another free radical fighting food, protecting cell in the brain and from oxidative damage.
The dark green colour that manages to disguise the presence of deep orange beta carotene, but it is in fact the orange colour that makes broccoli dark rather than light green.
3) Beetroot is a bonus brain food because it contains so many important brain nutrients.
To produce energy the brain needs carbohydrates plus oxygen.
Beetroots are rich in readily useable carbohydrates, and they provide a source of iron, which help blood to carry oxygen to the brain.
The purple colour of beetroot is caused by the presence of anthocyanidins.
These protect delicate brain cell membranes, making them more receptive to neurotransmitter messages.
Beetroots are also rich in the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, important for good mental health, which all work together to produce and transmit neuromessages.
4) Beans are a valuable source of protein, especially for vegetarians.
However, because they are moderately low in some of the amino acids, they cannot be considered a 'complete' protein like meat or cheese.
However, brow rice, millet pasta or couscous can be used to complement beans to create a nutritious meat substitute.
5) Molasses is dark, thick, sweet syrup, which is extracted from sugar cane plants.
However, unlike white sugar, which contains no vitamins or minerals, molasses is a super food packed with lot of brain building nutrients.
It has plenty of the minerals magnesium, iron, copper and manganese and all B vitamins required to build and power neurotransmitters.
One tablespoon of molasses contains more than three times the iron found in an egg and more calcium than a glass of milk.