Golden Retriever Puppy Training - Training Your Puppy to be Odedient
There are many training tips that can be used with Golden Retriever puppies and it is important that you use a variety of them in order for your dog to get good all-round obedience training.
One of the most common requests when searching for answers is for teething.
Golden Retrievers (like all puppies) love to chew when they're young, and I personally found this out with the result of a torn up sofa! Teething can be quite painful for a puppy and so chewing is a good way to ease the pain.
There are many chew toys that you can for your dog, but you can also even make your own chew toy for your dog.
This is done by simply filling an old sock with ice cubes and placing it inside the freezer for a while.
Tie a knot in the end of the sock and your puppy has got a chew toy! Important - Do not leave a puppy alone with a sock chew toy in case he begins tearing parts of the sock off and swallowing them.
Digging is another thing that dogs love to do.
It is natural for a dog to dig, although you may not see it this way if they begin digging up plants and flowers in your back yard! To prevent this from happening provide an area especially for your dog to dig.
If he digs elsewhere tell him off, and praise him when he digs in his own area.
He will soon start to learn where he is allowed to dig in your garden.
Other than training for your Golden Retriever that is predominantly catered for around the home, you will also want to do leash training so that you can take him out knowing he will behave.
Many people will try training their Golden by dragging him around on a leash.
This isn't the best way to train a dog.
Instead you should begin by having the puppy wear the collar and leash around the home or in the back garden.
This way he will be able to get used to wearing it before starting any training on the leash.
Once he has gotten used to wearing the leash start to pick the leash up and call your puppy to you.
When he does as you ask make sure you praise him so that he knows he is doing right.
If you continue to do this and allow him to get used to the leash, and also know what you want from him you shouldn't have too many problems.
One of the most common requests when searching for answers is for teething.
Golden Retrievers (like all puppies) love to chew when they're young, and I personally found this out with the result of a torn up sofa! Teething can be quite painful for a puppy and so chewing is a good way to ease the pain.
There are many chew toys that you can for your dog, but you can also even make your own chew toy for your dog.
This is done by simply filling an old sock with ice cubes and placing it inside the freezer for a while.
Tie a knot in the end of the sock and your puppy has got a chew toy! Important - Do not leave a puppy alone with a sock chew toy in case he begins tearing parts of the sock off and swallowing them.
Digging is another thing that dogs love to do.
It is natural for a dog to dig, although you may not see it this way if they begin digging up plants and flowers in your back yard! To prevent this from happening provide an area especially for your dog to dig.
If he digs elsewhere tell him off, and praise him when he digs in his own area.
He will soon start to learn where he is allowed to dig in your garden.
Other than training for your Golden Retriever that is predominantly catered for around the home, you will also want to do leash training so that you can take him out knowing he will behave.
Many people will try training their Golden by dragging him around on a leash.
This isn't the best way to train a dog.
Instead you should begin by having the puppy wear the collar and leash around the home or in the back garden.
This way he will be able to get used to wearing it before starting any training on the leash.
Once he has gotten used to wearing the leash start to pick the leash up and call your puppy to you.
When he does as you ask make sure you praise him so that he knows he is doing right.
If you continue to do this and allow him to get used to the leash, and also know what you want from him you shouldn't have too many problems.