Vital Points to Remember to Keep a Man From Getting Turned Off
In the beginning, men don't need much of a reason to end a relationship.
They are feeling very fragile and put themselves under intense pressure to be wonderful, just as much as women do.
Opening up conversations about the following topics early on could be just the thing to keep him from calling for that second or third date.
Read on to protect yourself.
First, present yourself in a good light and don't badmouth anyone, including an ex-boyfriend.
Actually, especially an ex-boyfriend.
Not only do you appear unmercifully cynical, you have put your new guy in a very uncomfortable position.
How exactly can he respond? You will want him to agree with you; however, he probably doesn't know these people, and he senses he will anger you if he remains noncommittal.
This is a very unfortunate circumstance to initiate.
Next, it should go without saying that you certainly don't bring up the idea of marriage.
As a matter of fact, approaching any topic of serious feelings would not be very wise.
This fellow is just trying to get to know you and he will be blown away by the intensity of a conversation centered around deep emotions.
Keep these and also any revelations of intense personal history for a much later date.
Finally, avoid the next M word - money.
No good will come from an early dialogue about money.
Finances, especially income, are a very personal issue for both the man and the woman and a first date is not a time to pry into this area.
There will be a time and a place for this discussion, just not so soon.
Here you have the three most important topics to avoid in the get-to-know-you stage of a relationship.
Keep these in mind and you will keep the conversations flowing, without the chance of turning that guy off.