Liquid vs. Powder Washing Machine Soap
- Liquid or powder is not the only choice facing consumers of automatic washer products. Bleach or non-bleach, fragrance or no-fragrance and "green" or regular ingredients are just a few of the options. You mean need extra stain-fighting ability or colorfastness for your family's clothing. Though advertising touts the wonderful power of these all cleaning products, not all do an adequate job of cleaning or stain-fighting. Experimentation is often the only way to determine what works best in your machine with your type of water.
- Liquid detergents are easy to use and easy to store. They come in handy, portable containers that are convenient for people who must carry products to public laundry facilities. They dissolve easily in all kinds of water and generally remove dirt and grease from clothing very well. Liquid detergents can also be used as spot stain removers, which helps stretch the family budget for cleaning products even further.
- Liquid detergents generally cost more than powder detergents on a per load basis. They are often in "concentrate" form, which makes it hard to judge the correct amount to use for especially grimy washloads. Consumers may end up using more of the concentrate than is necessary for effective cleaning. Many liquid washing machine soaps are also highly scented, which may be a problem for some people.
- Powder detergents do as good a job as liquid detergents on cleaning soiled clothing. They are generally a bit less expensive than liquid soaps for the washing machine. Powder detergents are also more effective cleaners in hard water, according to the East Orange Water Commission website.
- Powder detergents can be messier to use than liquid detergents. Boxes can be damaged easily or water-soaked, causing expensive losses. Powder detergents also may not dissolve fully in cold-water washes, according to the Appliance Outlet Service website. They can clump on machine parts and leave residues on clothing. If you launder clothing in cold water routinely to prevent colors from fading or to save money on electricity, you may prefer a liquid soap.