Have You Been a Slob? Find Out How to Get an Ex Girlfriend Back
Guys, are you going through the same disaster? Do you want to get an ex girlfriend back? Let me tell you that this is not impossible.
You just have to keep in mind some things and make your best to follow them in order not to lose your girl again.
Hygiene is also important.
Take this into account and half of your problem is solved.
Now, this is divided into two parts which you should set right.
First part is yourself, your face, your body and your clothing.
The second one is everything around you.
It's your room or apartment and your way of living.
Make a point to always look fresh whether you are at home out or not.
Make a must to take a shower everyday, brush your teeth morning and night and have a shave.
Visit your hairdresser more regularly in case if you were not.
Keep up with your gym also.
I know boys are not good at cleaning so I'll advice you to hire someone or a housekeeping service to tidy up your residence.
Make sure they come on a regular basis and they look after your laundry as well.
You must always have clean shirts and underwear.
I will also suggest you to get your apartment a make over.
This will be a positive change which will derive positive responses.
After the transformation, you can next write your ex a letter or an email talking about the alterations you made for her.
To lay emphasize on how much she counts for you, you can send her pictures of you and that of your apartment to prove the modifications.
Then invite her for a coffee at your place.