When Our Deepest Desires Reveal God in Us
He had placed in people's hearts a dream of an era when everything was possible..
The world had transformed itself, life had become more difficult, but the Lord never returned to change men's dreams.
" There is something deep inside of us that cannot really be put into words.
It is the feeling you sense when you witness an act of forgiveness, grace, and love so shocking and scandalous that you are left speechless.
It is during those brief moments where you solely wish good on all humanity, good and bad, righteous and wicked, friend and enemy.
It is the times you truly believe that nothing is beyond the love of God, that all men can experience forgiveness.
It's the times you really believe that humanity will be redeemed.
Perhaps, these times of deep, pure, and holy desire are simply the dream God put in our hearts, before the fall of man, before society conditioned us to believe and behave in other ways.
Beyond sin, doubt, punishment, and pain, there exists a dream, desire, and passion which we can't seem to put our finger on-but we have all experienced at one point in our lives.
Perhaps, these times of clarity or ecstasy are simply a distant signal from the Divine of our true hope, future, and plan-a day when all is made right and humanity is one again with each other and with their maker.