Your Options for Getting an Affordable Web Designer Online
1.You can choose to design the website yourself by choosing a web based design tool. This method of designing a website certainly saves you a lot of money initially, but would not be fruitful in the long run because a website that has not been professionally optimized would fail to generate intended traffic. Most of these website building tools do not build a professional looking website.
2.You can coordinate with a freelance web designer to create a freelance web design for you.
3.You can hire someone in house to work on your website. This can be a really difficult task if you are the owner of a small business, because adding people on your parole when you are already running on a tight budget is not a very sound decision.
4.You can give a contract to a professional web design company who would do all the work for you. The problem with web development companies is that they have other expenses to take care of, that add up to the cost of their services. This means that if you are dealing with a web design company, you would end up paying much more than getting a freelance web design. Large companies won't give you the required attention and you may not even interact with the actual designer.
Of all the above mentioned options, hiring an affordable web designer is the best possible solution. A freelance web design is just as professionally optimised as it would have been when the website is developed by a web development company.
If you choose to get a freelance web design made, you would be communicating with the designer in order to instruct him on what exactly you want. Freelance web designers would give you personal attention because they are generally not dealing with more than 2 or 3 companies at a time. An affordable web designer would save you a lot of time and money and most likely would deliver an end result that is much better than your expectations.