Low Cholesterol Weight Loss Diet - The Secret to Lose Weight, Prevent Stroke and High Blood Pressure
If you can commit to a low cholesterol weight loss diet, you will experience a significant reduction in your blood cholesterol level within 2 weeks after you start this lifesaving weight loss diet.
This cholesterol lowering diet is suitable for anyone who desire to lose weight and prevent stroke, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and at the same time develop a healthy and beautiful body shape without wasting a lot of money on drugs and pills.
Truth is, your New Year resolution to lose weight is one of the most important decision you will ever make if you want to lower your cholesterol level and achieve overall good health and prosperity.
Starting a low cholesterol weight loss diet will help you to lose weight safely and keep your heart healthy, avoid stroke, lower high blood sugar and high blood pressure.
If you want to lose weight and keep heart disease far from you, you must ensure that no more than 30 percent of your calories come from fat.
Ensure you eat the right types of fat if you want to live long in a healthy body.
Foods such as fatty meats, butter, lard, full-fat diary products, cheese, creams and many takeaway foods contain high saturates (bad fats) which increases your blood cholesterol.
Ensure you eat very small amounts of these foods or eliminate them outright if you can.
Sunflower, soya oils, grape seed, avocado, nuts and seeds are good for your heart because they are monounsaturates and polyunsaturates (good fats) and they help to lower cholesterol.
You need to focus on your fat intake.
Soluble fiber is another good source of low cholesterol weight loss diet.
They also help to lower cholesterol.
You can find this type of fiber in oats, pulses and barley.
They are also low in fat making them suitable when you are also trying to lose weight.
Soya is another low cholesterol weight loss diet you can add to your diet each day to help you educe cholesterol to a safe and healthy level.
Drink about 3 glasses of unsweetened soya milk daily and you will get the recommended 25g of soya protein.
This cholesterol lowering diet is suitable for anyone who desire to lose weight and prevent stroke, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and at the same time develop a healthy and beautiful body shape without wasting a lot of money on drugs and pills.
Truth is, your New Year resolution to lose weight is one of the most important decision you will ever make if you want to lower your cholesterol level and achieve overall good health and prosperity.
Starting a low cholesterol weight loss diet will help you to lose weight safely and keep your heart healthy, avoid stroke, lower high blood sugar and high blood pressure.
If you want to lose weight and keep heart disease far from you, you must ensure that no more than 30 percent of your calories come from fat.
Ensure you eat the right types of fat if you want to live long in a healthy body.
Foods such as fatty meats, butter, lard, full-fat diary products, cheese, creams and many takeaway foods contain high saturates (bad fats) which increases your blood cholesterol.
Ensure you eat very small amounts of these foods or eliminate them outright if you can.
Sunflower, soya oils, grape seed, avocado, nuts and seeds are good for your heart because they are monounsaturates and polyunsaturates (good fats) and they help to lower cholesterol.
You need to focus on your fat intake.
Soluble fiber is another good source of low cholesterol weight loss diet.
They also help to lower cholesterol.
You can find this type of fiber in oats, pulses and barley.
They are also low in fat making them suitable when you are also trying to lose weight.
Soya is another low cholesterol weight loss diet you can add to your diet each day to help you educe cholesterol to a safe and healthy level.
Drink about 3 glasses of unsweetened soya milk daily and you will get the recommended 25g of soya protein.