What Is Homeopathy - What Are the Differences?
What is homeopathy exactly? This is a common question homeopaths the world over, are asked.
And the answer just can't be put into a nutshell.
It needs a little in depth explanation.
Most people have done a basic physics lesson, where they sprinkled some iron filings on a sheet of paper.
These randomly scattered around the paper according to the slopes you imposed on it.
However, once you put a magnet underneath the paper, the iron filings immediately take up a shape, an order.
Even when you tilt the paper, they will still adhere to the magnetic pole.
Modern medicine is based on this idea, which is understood as Newtonian physics.
This is all about the material aspects of life, things that can be seen, heard and understood, more or less.
If you like, the scattered iron filings fit this.
They can be seen and have physical properties that are understood.
However, the magnet brings in an unseen quality, that of a magnetic field.
Magnetic fields cannot be seen.
But they still have a force.
In fact, it is the unseen forces that give birth to, and reason to, material things.
Consider your life force.
The wind.
This is the realm of quantum physics.
The unknown, the unseen, the intangible.
Some people find these aspects of life rather frightening, and resist the idea.
But that doesn't give them any less credibility.
Homeopathy fits into this realm.
The medicines capture the energy of their source.
And it is this energy that triggers a healing response in your body, again an unseen energy.
When you appreciate the differences between Newtonian based medicine (material, or physical) and Quantum based homeopathy (unseen energy), suddenly everything becomes clear.
If someone begs you the question 'what is homeopathy', the idea of iron filings may pop into your mind.
And the answer just can't be put into a nutshell.
It needs a little in depth explanation.
Most people have done a basic physics lesson, where they sprinkled some iron filings on a sheet of paper.
These randomly scattered around the paper according to the slopes you imposed on it.
However, once you put a magnet underneath the paper, the iron filings immediately take up a shape, an order.
Even when you tilt the paper, they will still adhere to the magnetic pole.
Modern medicine is based on this idea, which is understood as Newtonian physics.
This is all about the material aspects of life, things that can be seen, heard and understood, more or less.
If you like, the scattered iron filings fit this.
They can be seen and have physical properties that are understood.
However, the magnet brings in an unseen quality, that of a magnetic field.
Magnetic fields cannot be seen.
But they still have a force.
In fact, it is the unseen forces that give birth to, and reason to, material things.
Consider your life force.
The wind.
This is the realm of quantum physics.
The unknown, the unseen, the intangible.
Some people find these aspects of life rather frightening, and resist the idea.
But that doesn't give them any less credibility.
Homeopathy fits into this realm.
The medicines capture the energy of their source.
And it is this energy that triggers a healing response in your body, again an unseen energy.
When you appreciate the differences between Newtonian based medicine (material, or physical) and Quantum based homeopathy (unseen energy), suddenly everything becomes clear.
If someone begs you the question 'what is homeopathy', the idea of iron filings may pop into your mind.