Need To Learn Spanish Quickly? Here Are Some Tips To Get You Started
1. Learn the basics
It goes without saying that every language has a basic level and Spanish is no different, if you concentrate of the simple things and get them off to perfection everything else you learn can be just blended in.
2. Concentrate on conversational Spanish;
Forget about learning grammar, reading and writing for the time being, because they are not as important as conversational Spanish; communication is the key to learning any language. You will probably start by using broken Spanish but with a little effort your spoken Spanish will become fluent very quickly, and don't worry about the patchiness of your spoken Spanish, your efforts will be appreciated and respected and Spanish speakers will assist you all the time.
3. Make sure you are consistent in your approach to Study.
You must ensure that you make time everyday for studying and practicing your Spanish, I've even heard english speaking workmates practicing their Spanish in the mens room behind locked cubicle doors before, not the ideal place to learn but you must grab every opportunity to practice when it occurs. You will see quite amazing results within a month with continuous practice.
4. Get a Spanish speaking friend or a fellow student to help you.
Find a Spanish speaker who is willing to partner you who you can practice speaking Spanish with, if you could do this fantastic. It should help you come on leaps and bounds.
If you don't know of anyone try and find a Spanish speaker who would help you out via a skype link or something similar, just as long as you are practicing and constantly using Spanish you'll be fine.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Just one last thing, all of these tips are much more easily implemented when used along side a good interactive online Spanish course, so if you are serious about learning Spanish quickly, get one!