Law Services: Online Copyright Registration, Filing in India
copyright registration in india [] India is very famous service to protect one's creative and original work from stolen by others. It is a single way to protect the original and genuine thoughts of an individual or company as whole. At present there are many law firms are available that offers different types of high quality company service in India to meet the client's requirement. Like trademarkregistrationindia that offers types of company law services such as India trademark registration, trademark brand protection, trademark office in India, trademark application in India, patent registration in India, company registration in India, copyright license in India, brand registration in India and lots more.
Apart from the above copyright registration there is one more major law service is there named copyright filing. As we all know from the above discussion that copyright registration is very important that protects the author's artistic work, dramatic, literary and musical work. Copyright filing rules and procedure differs from county to country. copyright filing in india involves various procedures. Firstly, to make an application in Form 4 along with the statement of particulars and statement of further particulars in triplicate by a particular person. After verification of all the statement and documents copyright office has authority to register a copyright. This is a powerful tool to protect one's unique work and activity to get stolen by unauthorized persons, translation or reproduction. There is limited period for copyright registration, in India the protection given to the copyright is for 60 years. There is a need to review after this limited period of time. At present most of the law firms also offers online copyright registration services to their clients for easy access and services.