The Gardenia Nitida will fill your garden with a hevenly scent
Just like the majority of gardenias, the Gardenia Nitida will flourish best a warm, humid setting where the temperature does not sink below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Gardenias prosper particularly well in greenhouse environments, where they receive just the right amount of shade and sunlight. This gardenia spreads nicely, creating for itself coverage and a support mound from the earth in which it lives. As it grows, it will become a bush of polished, deep green leaves, thus looking like much other tropical flora. If efficiently cared for, this durable plant can grow to heights of five feet!
Again, like the majority of gardenias, this flower blooms at the turn of the cold season into the spring. Specifically when will depend on what region it is grown in. The flower of the Gardenia Nitida is quite pretty, ranging in color from a rich white to a subdued yellow, usually with a hint of a violet hue. The flowers look waxed, typically blossoming in pairs or alone and producing a scent reminiscent of sour apple candy. As the flowers age, they will produce a reddish golden berry. The berry is unpleasant to the taste, and it contains a crystalline compound that renders it inedible.
The Gardenia Nitida will flower most successfully when exposed to sunlight as much as possible, but the plant can still survive in shadier areas if it cannot get enough sun. If you keep your gardenia potted indoors, be careful to place it by a window through which it can receive plenty of sun. Windows that face east are preferable, as eastern facing windows typically get more sun in most parts of the world. If your gardenia is potted outside, it is sometimes advisable to move the plant so that it gets the most sun in all parts of the year.
All gardenias, and especially the Gardenia Nitida, need lots of nutrients to thrive. Fertilizing your plant frequently is absolutely necessary. When you plant this gardenia in the earth outdoors, it will need to be fertilized three times a year: once when the year starts, once as summer begins, and once just as autumn arrives. If it is potted inside or out, it will not need as much fertilization in quantity or regularity. With effective nurturing, the Gardenia Nitida will be a beautiful addition to your home, offering not only a decorative accent, but a gentle, pleasurable aroma as well.