Gemini Horoscope for November 2010
The focus will be on getting straightened out with repairs maintenance etc. or maybe paying more attention to health matters, as, in the first 3 weeks getting organized with basic stuff helps you pave the way for better conditions in the future.
A lot can be accomplished if you co-operate, collaborate and sometimes compromise with others as their input or demands will be part of the picture. Also a new relationship or an established partnership could get closer or warmer through joint effort. Some of you may have more contact with children or the younger generation over this phase.
From the 9th you may be in two minds about a course of action but dialoguing with another helps you to clarify things. Communications with partners or opposite numbers is strongly emphasized from then and particularly around the 19th-21st discussions could be very lively as you look for a win/win solution with a conflict or two along the way which the catalyst you need to create definition and clarity.
Jupiter is back in your career sector til next Spring meaning the cards will be stacked in your favour related to advancement in the world - whether that means career opportunities or something coming along to expand your overall direction into new areas. This could be connected to a partnership, and be a joint enterprise. Recognition and success could be the outcome though it may take a while to decide upon which way you're going. As the transit unfolds, the opportunities will be there for you to tap into. So just be open to new (and maybe unusual and surprising) possibilities as you go forward. In November things should move faster in this area from the 18th.
The two year transit of Saturn makes you more competitive and you will be working hard to get things organized around a creative venture or speculative enterprise which you find fulfilling and gives you a sense of achievement and personal empowerment. You may be wanting to impress people with your ability or prowess in some area. And going to a lot of trouble to win praise or approval. Equally, this energy could translate as taking fun or leisure or a romantic relationship more seriously and being more consistent and responsible about building a structure within which you can feel confident and pleased with your performance in the eyes of others or a special person or be promoting something which you want to show off to the best advantage in order to get the return proportional to the effort you have put into it.
From the 22nd is a time for collaborating and meeting others halfway.