Repair Your Credit Fast - Getting Your Score to Be Higher, Faster Than You Thought Possible!
You need to know what the best ways are to get your score to be higher and how you can do this in a hurry.
This is possible and you need to make sure you know what to do and what you are getting into.
Here are the fastest three ways to get your credit fixed.
Dispute anything that is old or not yours Start by pulling your credit and looking through it.
Any debts that are over 3 years old you should dispute and anything that does not belong to you should also be disputes.
All you have to do is write a letter to the credit bureau and tell them which debts you are disputing.
Then the companies that reported these debts to your report will have 30 days to respond and update the information.
If they don't these debts will be removed from your report.
Pay off smaller bad debts To really boost your score and repair your credit fast you can pay off any old debts that are bad and small.
Your score is more based on how many bad debts you have compared to good debts and not the size of them.
If you pay off 5 smaller debts it will do more for your credit than paying off 1 large debt.
Getting a credit card If you do not have much on your positive side of your report you can get a credit card and gain some credit.
If you cannot get a regular one you can go for a prepaid one and pay a small monthly fee to have it report to your credit.
This will help to balance out your report and get you a better score.