Meditation For Successful Life
In contrast, meditation is an exercise, aiming to prevent thoughts in a natural way, by deeply relaxing the physical body and then trying to keep the mind completely "blank" with no thoughts whatsoever. This state may be maintained for a few seconds or a few hours, depending on your skill. Purity of the mind achieved during meditation is essential to gain access higher self.
Mantra is a very simple thought. It becomes very familiar to us when we repeat it in our mind. This thought is used to replace any thought that may come to our mind. Every time a thought comes during meditation, we use mantra to replace it. Mantra a very powerful tool to deal with stressful situations in our life, a tool which we can develop ourselves as a result of a regular meditation practice.
When we understand the above functions of the mantra, it becomes clear that changing mantras may be not very good idea. Changing mantras may be considered useful only in special situations.
The posture during meditation is also important. The easiest posture is a comfortable sitting position, with your spine straight and erect. Joining your hands and crossing your legs is desirable, because you make the bio-energy field around you more compact and therefore more intensive. Sitting cross legged is another good position, but required some fitness training.
Of the religions that use meditation, perhaps Buddhism, practiced widely in eastern central Asia, is the best known. To Buddhists, the practice of meditation is essential for the cultivation of wisdom and compassion and for understanding reality. Buddhists believe that our ordinary consciousness is both limited and limiting. Meditation makes it possible to live life to the full spectrum of our conscious and unconscious possibilities.
If spirituality or religion plays a significant role in the lives of the couple, a statue symbolizing their beliefs might be an appropriate and much loved gift.