What Is a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy?
- A healthy diet during pregnancy must include high-iron foods, including fortified grains. Lean red meat is an excellent source of iron, but a balanced vegetarian diet can also be sufficient.
- The omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, found in fatty fish and flaxseed oil, are critical in promoting proper brain development. They may also prevent depression during and after pregnancy.
- Leafy, green vegetables like spinach, kale, and turnip greens can provide iron and fiber. Even more importantly, they offer folic acid, a necessary compound for preventing neural tube defects and other complications.
- Some prenatal nutritionists believe that high protein intake can prevent pregnancy complications, including preeclampsia. Good sources of protein include nuts, cheese, fish, soy products and lean meats.
- Ideally, women should take in roughly 200 to 500 extra calories daily during pregnancy, and should gain about 1 lb. per week during the second and third trimesters. Total weight gain should be between 20 and 25 lb. for most women.