Singing Tips on Falsetto
- Proper singing happens from the diaphragm. In a falsetto voice, you want to stay away from your diaphragm and sing from your upper throat. This type of singing is natural for untrained singers, but trained singers are taught from the beginning not to use their throats to sing. Done too often, you can damage your vocal cords singing this way. Singing in this fashion will cause the outer edges of your vocal cords to vibrate as opposed to all of your vocal cords. You will know when you're singing falsetto because you will feel the strain in your throat. Start slow and don't overdo it. Another way to ensure you're singing falsetto is to place your hand on your chest and ensure there is no vibration there. If you feel vibration, you are not completely in falsetto mode.
- Since a falsetto voice is one of the lightest of voices made, you need to work through an exercise program to help you project your falsetto voice. The falsetto voice has limited dynamics and is hard to control. Try working with singing scales in your falsetto voice. Sing the scales ascending and descending several times in a row, back to back, taking one beat per note at first. Gradually work on holding out selected notes of the scale, all while ensuring you stay in falsetto. This will help you gain as much control over your falsetto voice as you're likely to get. It will also help strengthen your ability to project your falsetto voice, although you will never have the same projection in falsetto you have singing from the diaphragm.
- Your neighbors may eventually call the police on you, but one of the best methods for using your falsetto range is to yodel. Yodeling is an effective method of exercising your vocal cords for a falsetto voice. The "eee" in the classic "oh-dah-lay-eee-o" yodel is a falsetto. Practice hitting that over and over, without forcing it.
- The key thing to remember when you sing falsetto is that it will be lighter. You want to hit high notes without forcing them. Forcing will cause you to lose control of the falsetto notes. You don't want to try and sing louder. Again, you will lose control. Falsetto is highly confined to your upper throat. You can feel its limited space when you sing it. Any sort of force pushes you away from that range, causing you to sing off key.