What Is Radiologic Technology?
- Radiologic technology utilizes different types of energy, including sound waves at high frequency, magnetic fields and radioactivity to examine the body. Some examples of radiology include projection radiography, CT scans, MRIs and ultrasound.
- Projection radiography (also known as plain radiography) was the first radiologic technique used. It is commonly known as "X-rays" and for 50 years was the only radiologic technique available. A machine produces radiation that is directed at a specific region of the body. The X-rays pass through less dense material, creating an image on film. Projection radiography is often the first test done for suspected injuries to the lungs, heart and skeleton, because it is relatively quick and cheap.
- CT scanning uses special computer algorithms along with X-rays to generate a more complex picture of the body. In a CT scan, a tube that generates X-rays is placed opposite a detector ,and both slowly rotate around the body, creating a cross-sectional image. CT scans are commonly used for rapidly detecting dangerous conditions, such as blood clots, cerebral hemorrhage and deterioration of the aorta.
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) uses very strong magnetic fields to align and then disturb atomic nuclei, which creates a radio frequency as they return to their normal state. MRIs are able to create the most detailed images of soft tissue, and can easily generate images in many planes (such as axial or coronal).
- Ultrasound is a technique that many people are familiar with due to its prevalence in pre-natal screening. Ultrasound uses high energy sound waves to look at soft tissue. Ultrasound is generally considered to be very safe because no radiation is involved, which is why it is commonly used to examine unborn fetuses. One of the disadvantages of ultrasound is that the quality of the image can vary based on the skill of the person performing it, usually a technician.