I Cheated With Amazon - And Got Caught
And a business owner.
And I have needs.
And sometimes, like many men and business owners, I find it unable to control these needs.
A few weeks ago was one of those times.
I considered cheating on Chip Buck.
With Amazon.
But he caught me.
And I wonder if he'll ever forgive me.
Has our relationship been permanently damaged by my selfish actions? For years, Chip and I have enjoyed a special partnership together.
My company sells software to small and medium sized businesses.
Chip's firm, Independence IT, provides hosted technology management services for big and small companies.
We've always been close.
Sure, months may go by without our speaking.
But when we do speak it always seems like we've never been apart.
Our relationship goes back more than a decade, when Chip was selling cloud based computing services to companies that were just getting dial-up internet connections.
Back in those days cloud based computing systems were taboo.
Now they've become much more accepted in our society.
Since then, Chip and I have referred each other business.
And since we've met, Chip has asked me many times to tie the knot with him and host my company's applications on his servers.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
But I've resisted.
And then along comes someone else.
Amazon, and their attractive EC2 services.
I discovered EC2 late one night while surfing the internet.
We spoke.
And I was so enamored that I wrote about them in a blog on this very website only a few weeks ago.
EC2 seemed like an easy and affordable way for a small company to take their business into the cloud.
"No more in-house servers.
" I reported.
"No more IT services.
No more Windows headaches.
100% access all the time.
From anywhere.
" Admittedly, I was smitten.
And then I heard from Chip.
And when he found out I was talking to Amazon, you can only imagine the tears, the tantrums, the wailing, the shouting.
(Actually there was none of that.
But please...
I'm on a roll here).
I was racked with guilt.
How could I do this to Chip? How could I sacrifice our close relationship in such a way? I needed to make amends.
So for once I put aside my urges and listened to my heart.
I let Chip tell his story.
True to his nature, he began by professing his respect for Amazon's EC2 services.
In fact, his company has used EC2 and also uses very similar services from competitors like Rackspace, and Microsoft's Azure.
"I like EC2," he admits.
"But I don't think this is right for you.
" He tells me that for a small business like mine looking to shed our internal technology infrastructure and put everything in the cloud, there are better alternatives.
"Like me!" he cried out, sobbing uncontrollably.
(OK, I admit he wasn't crying or even sobbing.
But it makes for a fun story.
) Why was he so upset? Because Chip believes Independence IT and other managed desktop/server firms like his, are a better option than EC2, Rackspace and the like for the typical small business owner.
"For starters," he says.
"We are just less expensive.
" Chip's company charges about $100 per month per user for a typical application hosting scenario.
He says that the pricing is about the same for companies providing these services.
And the costs have been decreasing over the past few years as bandwidth and memory have become less expensive.
According to Chip for a ten user setup most companies today will pay about $10,000-$12,000 per year.
In my blog, I wrote how I could commit to a "reserved instance" for a "large" server from EC2 for about $2,900 per year for my ten person company.
But there's the thing: that's just for the server.
Chip says there are a lot of things that I'll need that aren't included in this pricing.
Per Chip (and my own research) those base services don't include things like backing up and archiving my data, installing and upgrading applications, or even testing my applications for compatibility.
They don't include security patching, firewall services, anti-virus software or the use of redundant servers.
They don't include user management.
They don't include 24/7 support.
Amazon offers these, and many other services.
But all are at an extra charge.
Chip says that when you add the cost of these services to EC2's base price, the annual expenses are much closer, if not even a little higher, than using a typical managed desktop company like Independence IT.
"And another thing," Chip brought to my attention, "If you go with EC2 or others like it, you better have good IT people in-house.
" And these people better know how to configure Windows or Microsoft Exchange or SQL server or any of the other applications I've got running on my server.
I'll need someone who knows about user security, Active Directory configuration, load balancing, virtualization, memory allocation, resource management and a host of other technical skills common to the typical technology geek.
Amazon will not be doing this for me.
Of course they'll give me the latest servers and operating systems available, all up to date and accessible 24/7.
But they will assume I have the expertise to do the rest myself.
Which means that Amazon is selling server time, not services.
Other managed desktop/server firms specialize in selling services.
Surprisingly, Chip would prefer to get out of the hosting business altogether and move everything to EC2.
"I hate having all these servers around," he says.
"When Amazon or Rackspace's pricing eventually comes down far enough I'd prefer to let them handle all of our clients' hosting needs.
And we can focus on the services.
" Like I wrote in my previous blog, there are some small businesses that can really benefit from EC2.
These are companies that have significant resource needs.
They might have a cloud based solution that needs to be scaled quickly.
Or they have complex and demanding environments for testing new applications that they're implementing.
But most companies, like mine, don't fall into this category.
We're just looking for a simple place to stick our applications so we can reduce our internal infrastructure headaches.
Which is why, according to Chip, companies like Independence IT are taking over the traditional technology space previously occupied by the local computer guy or technology firm.
More and more companies are no longer buying and maintaining servers in their office.
This trend will continue.
Bigger companies with technology departments will favor the EC2s of the world to house their systems and data while giving their guys full control over how it's accessed and managed.
The smaller guys like me, too cheap to afford smart in-house technology guys, will instead turn to managed desktop/server firms (like Independence IT) who can provide the services we need on servers they host.
I get it now.
I've seen the error of my ways.
I betrayed Chip, yes.
But thankfully my urges didn't go too far.
I think it's time for Chip and I to take our relationship to the next level.
I think it's time to let Chip host my applications on his server.
I really don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Do you?