How to Adjust the Timing in a Honda Accord
- 1). Locate the crankshaft pulley at the front of the engine and remove any grease or dirt to expose the timing marks. Turn off any accessories such as the radio, climate controls and lights.
- 2). Start the engine and allow it to reach normal operating temperature. The cooling fan will cycle on and off signifying it has reached the correct temperature. Shut the engine off.
- 3). Connect the timing light to the battery if necessary and to the number one ignition wire located at the far end of engine on the driver's side. Restart the car and allow it to idle for 2 minutes.
- 4). Point the timing light at the crankshaft pulley and determine the amount of adjustment needed. Loosen the hold down bolts on the distributor and rotate it slowly until the timing mark matches the middle line on the timing light.
- 5). Tighten the distributor hold down bolts and recheck the timing to ensure it didn't move. Turn the engine off and remove the timing light. Reconnect the number one ignition wire.