How Is Network Marketing Like a Religion? Part 2 of 3
Everyone has their own views on each.
If you were to ask someone about their religion, you could tell from their response how passionate they are about it.
Same goes for a network marketer.
A marketer that is passionate about their business can tell you the business history inside and out, what their mission statement is and what their core values are.
They can give testimony of how the business has changed their life and what it has done for them.
Occasionally, when you ask someone what denomination they are, you get the response that they used to be a (insert religious type here), but it didn't work for them, and they wouldn't send their dog to one of their churches.
Kind of sounds like a bad experience in network marketing doesn't it? I have run across people that have been in a company and for some reason it didn't work out.
When asked about their opinion about the company or marketing in general, it is usually very negative.
"Why, I wouldn't give a plug nickel for that company.
I was in it and I didn't make ANY money.
All network marketing is a scam to get you to spend your money.
I was told all I had to do was sign up and people would be running to sign up under me.
It was supposed to be easy.
" Personally, I think with religion as well as network marketing, you have to first educate yourself in the subject, so you know what to expect.
I think to blindly jump in on either is foolish, and it can damage the your credibility as a promoter of a company, or a preacher of the gospel of whatever you choose to believe in.
You can't go into network marketing with an entitlement attitude.
I mean really, if there were a business that all you had to do was sign up and the checks came rolling in with no work, everyone would be doing it.
If you were to dig a little deeper, you would find that it didn't matter what a person with that mentality does, it is always someone else's fault that they never achieve success in anything and they are doomed to a life of mediocrity.
It takes time and effort to be knowledgeable in anything, be it religion or marketing, or anything else for that matter.