New Business Success Demands Commited Entrepreneurs
Many can't say yes quick enough.
They are prepared for a change to their life and it's routines.
It is important to realize that your life will change.
You won't die or lose control and end up in a mental institution but your life will definitely change.
To me that is pure excitement, to others, that's a little difficult to imagine and may not have been on their radar when they initially got the entrepreneurial bug.
What I find is that often times my coaching clients overlooked the security and comfort they enjoyed in doing the same thing day after day.
It is necessary to brace for this change by knowing that growth of any kind demands discomfort.
It won't feel better until it feels worse for a little while.
I often remind my clients that if they keep on the same path they've been on, they will remain on the same path they've been on.
Changing begins first by imagining the new possibility.
You need to make the emotion tied to your current level of comfort face off with the possibility of your new life and the "feeling" tied to that.
In this great face off your current state of "life", your current way of being, needs to lose by an absolute landslide to the new "lifestyle" challenger.
If it doesn't lose, then you need to repaint the picture to one that will win out.
I hope by now you are beginning to see that this thing we call change can be accomplished but only if you learn the rules of the game.
The rules of the game we call "CHANGE" will always involve the emotional payoff you gain from the change being more pleasing emotionally than your current state, or way of being.
This is why so often people with very little can be found accomplishing some of the greatest and most significant things in life.
Often the motivation can be as simple as what activist Fannie Lou Hamer said "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
" Or as Tony Robbin's said - "It's not that I am into being rich, I'm just not into being broke any more.