Dog Training Advice - What Should You Believe?
Dog training advice you get from friends and neighbors is usually about as useless as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
In fact, even the dog training advice you read in dog training books written by so called experts seems to conflict.
So, what should you believe when after all is said and done, you feel more confused than ever? Well, use your common sense.
The dog world is a funny place for the uninitiated dog owner trying to find his way through the maze of egos and insecurity so often displayed by those who are supposedly in the know.
Stick with the basics and don't let yourself get caught up in all the hair-brained, psychobabble that makes you start to wonder if you're being a horrible dog owner.
These are the simple facts folks.
They're undeniable and have been for thousands of years.
If you associate an environmental event like a command to an action, your dog will understand what the command means.
When you repeat the association, your dog will become conditioned to respond like you want him to.
Your dog's no different than us in that he just wants to have fun.
He isn't thinking about how much your shoes cost you when he's chewing on them.
He's thinking about the fact that it's pretty fun to tear little pieces off one at a time and spit them out all over the rug.
Dogs don't do things that aren't fun.
That's why they don't run into trees head first, step into boiling, sulfur hot springs or watch "Days of Our Lives.
" 4.
Dogs will always adapt to the environment they live in.
In fact, their need to survive and seek comfort is so strong that they will adapt to a new environment in an incredibly short period of time.
Sometimes minutes.
Dogs have been developing strategies about hunting, mating and playing for thousands of years and they still do.
Your dog has developed strategies to get what he wants in your environment too.
So, just like your high school writing teacher taught you the KISS formula, (Keep It Simple Stupid) we're going to suggest the same thing.
If the advice you're getting doesn't make sense and it doesn't conform to the laws of nature that have molded our little canine buddies behavior for eons, don't listen to it.
In fact, even the dog training advice you read in dog training books written by so called experts seems to conflict.
So, what should you believe when after all is said and done, you feel more confused than ever? Well, use your common sense.
The dog world is a funny place for the uninitiated dog owner trying to find his way through the maze of egos and insecurity so often displayed by those who are supposedly in the know.
Stick with the basics and don't let yourself get caught up in all the hair-brained, psychobabble that makes you start to wonder if you're being a horrible dog owner.
These are the simple facts folks.
They're undeniable and have been for thousands of years.
- Dogs learn through association and repetition.
- Dogs want to have fun, even if it's at your expense.
- Dogs don't run toward unpleasant experiences.
- Dog's have and always will adapt to changing environments.
- Dogs develop strategies to get what they want.
If you associate an environmental event like a command to an action, your dog will understand what the command means.
When you repeat the association, your dog will become conditioned to respond like you want him to.
Your dog's no different than us in that he just wants to have fun.
He isn't thinking about how much your shoes cost you when he's chewing on them.
He's thinking about the fact that it's pretty fun to tear little pieces off one at a time and spit them out all over the rug.
Dogs don't do things that aren't fun.
That's why they don't run into trees head first, step into boiling, sulfur hot springs or watch "Days of Our Lives.
" 4.
Dogs will always adapt to the environment they live in.
In fact, their need to survive and seek comfort is so strong that they will adapt to a new environment in an incredibly short period of time.
Sometimes minutes.
Dogs have been developing strategies about hunting, mating and playing for thousands of years and they still do.
Your dog has developed strategies to get what he wants in your environment too.
So, just like your high school writing teacher taught you the KISS formula, (Keep It Simple Stupid) we're going to suggest the same thing.
If the advice you're getting doesn't make sense and it doesn't conform to the laws of nature that have molded our little canine buddies behavior for eons, don't listen to it.