What is Gastric Bypass Surgery? What is Liposuction?
An overweight person who is concerned about his condition and realizes the necessity of taking action to rectify his health problem will firstly try all the standard methods of weight reduction.
These include some of the multitude of diet plans, and the plethora of weight loss exercise programs that abound on the internet.
Whilst some of these plans and programs get results, most don't leaving the user despondent and skeptical.
Not all people who are grossly overweight - suffering from obesity - are able to respond to the traditional methods of weight loss such as diet management in conjunction with a program of physical exercises.
An obese person is one with a BMI of over 40, or a person who is at least 100lbs heavier than should be for a person of the same age and height.
These people have a severe medical condition that requires immediate attention.
In addition to being overweight, such people suffer from ancillary health problems caused by being obese.
These life-threatening health problems include diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, many of which make the enjoyment of life difficult.
The only course left open for this sufferer is to consider having a Bariatric Surgery procedure.
This is surgery that alters or rearranges the stomach so that less food is accommodated.
This is turn leads to dramatic weight loss, which reduces the effects of the adverse health conditions resulting from obesity.
There are several forms of Bariatric surgery, the most common and popular being Gastric Bypass Surgery.
This is a procedure that divides the stomach into a small 'upper' section and a larger 'lower' section.
The position of the small intestine is then arranged so that it connects to both sections of the stomach.
The aim of this treatment is to reduce the amount of food passing through the digestive system, which ultimately leads to weight loss.
From this the effects of the medical problems associated with obesity are considerably reduced - leading to a much more positive outlook on life experienced by the patient.
It must be noted that all types of surgery have an element of risk, including having Gastric Bypass Surgery.
Therefore professional medical advice should be sought at all times.
Weight reduction by surgery involves much more than having one's stomach re-arranged.
It also involves taking measures such as a change of diet and engaging in a regular exercise program.
All this must be taken into account when deciding to have this surgical procedure.
The other minor operation to reduce a person's weight by eliminating fat from the body is called Liposuction.
Fat from a specific area of the body, such as hips, buttocks, face, is removed by inserting into the affected area a tube that is then used to carry fat that is removed by suction.
The procedure is carried out using a local anesthetic and may only require a stay of a few hours as an outpatient.
No matter what type of surgical procedure a person needs, it must be emphasized that it needs to be done in conjunction with a complete change of life-style such as eating a diet free from fatty products and junk food, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, allied with a regime of regular physical activity.
Calorie control should also be implemented for best results.
As is often said about health measures, prevention is better than the cure.
These include some of the multitude of diet plans, and the plethora of weight loss exercise programs that abound on the internet.
Whilst some of these plans and programs get results, most don't leaving the user despondent and skeptical.
Not all people who are grossly overweight - suffering from obesity - are able to respond to the traditional methods of weight loss such as diet management in conjunction with a program of physical exercises.
An obese person is one with a BMI of over 40, or a person who is at least 100lbs heavier than should be for a person of the same age and height.
These people have a severe medical condition that requires immediate attention.
In addition to being overweight, such people suffer from ancillary health problems caused by being obese.
These life-threatening health problems include diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, many of which make the enjoyment of life difficult.
The only course left open for this sufferer is to consider having a Bariatric Surgery procedure.
This is surgery that alters or rearranges the stomach so that less food is accommodated.
This is turn leads to dramatic weight loss, which reduces the effects of the adverse health conditions resulting from obesity.
There are several forms of Bariatric surgery, the most common and popular being Gastric Bypass Surgery.
This is a procedure that divides the stomach into a small 'upper' section and a larger 'lower' section.
The position of the small intestine is then arranged so that it connects to both sections of the stomach.
The aim of this treatment is to reduce the amount of food passing through the digestive system, which ultimately leads to weight loss.
From this the effects of the medical problems associated with obesity are considerably reduced - leading to a much more positive outlook on life experienced by the patient.
It must be noted that all types of surgery have an element of risk, including having Gastric Bypass Surgery.
Therefore professional medical advice should be sought at all times.
Weight reduction by surgery involves much more than having one's stomach re-arranged.
It also involves taking measures such as a change of diet and engaging in a regular exercise program.
All this must be taken into account when deciding to have this surgical procedure.
The other minor operation to reduce a person's weight by eliminating fat from the body is called Liposuction.
Fat from a specific area of the body, such as hips, buttocks, face, is removed by inserting into the affected area a tube that is then used to carry fat that is removed by suction.
The procedure is carried out using a local anesthetic and may only require a stay of a few hours as an outpatient.
No matter what type of surgical procedure a person needs, it must be emphasized that it needs to be done in conjunction with a complete change of life-style such as eating a diet free from fatty products and junk food, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, allied with a regime of regular physical activity.
Calorie control should also be implemented for best results.
As is often said about health measures, prevention is better than the cure.