Were Adam and Eve setup?

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Were Adam and Eve set up?

So here's the scene, there's Adam and then there's Eve and they're there in the garden, two perfectly innocent, non evil entities. God is around sometimes, actually he's in and out doing what who really knows but the point is he leaves them unattended. He's given them instructions not to eat the fruit and now he's not here.

If I'm to understand this these people don't even realize they're naked they're so clueless. Even if they were completely good they could easily have hurt themselves falling out of a tree or going out into deep water in a river or lake or cutting themselves on a sharp rock. Would you leave a three year old at home alone with a bottle of poison and strict instructions not to drink it? If someone did that, would anyone blame the three year old or think that it was just an accident? Who is ultimately responsible if someone who is very young or not very smart is left with a loaded gun?

Now another question, why were the trees even there? Who were they for? Couldn't they have been secured the same way Eden was after Adam and Eve were thrown out?

If this were a case in court there's a good chance it would be thrown out. The whole thing smacks of entrapment even though it isn't really but it definitely smacks of it.

Think about it there's Adam, there's Eve, there's ETERNITY and the one thing they cannot do for ALL ETERNITY, eat from that tree. For all we know it could have been a billion years that passed before the snake came around.

But maybe it was a good thing. I mean how boring would it be living in Eden, nothing but giggling and running around naked for all time but then when that's the only thing you know I guess it wouldn't have been too bad.

Anyway since the Jews didn't believe in an after life until around Jesus' time and Adam and Eve didn't eat from the tree of life maybe they were going to die anyway. Nah I just remembered how old people used to live to be until it became less and less as the magic of Eden went away. Adam and Eve-y could easily have been there for a 100 billion years before they cracked.

Why didn't God pin the whole thing on the snake anyway apparently he knew better and I mean really I think the snake got off way easy. "You will crawl on your belly and eat dust." It's been a while since I read the Bible so pardon me if I get little things wrong but what was the snake doing before floating?

The snake gets no legs and we got kicked out of the best thing that ever happened to us. We now get to die and suffer, cursed for eternity until the Messiah comes. Was the snake kicked out too?

Suffice to say I think the whole thing was a setup. This is how I think it went down. God makes the angels right, they don't have free will they just do what he says. God gets so totally bored with the situation he resolves that the next time he's gonna give his creations free will. Something goes wrong or maybe before he tries with the next batch he turns on a little free will with the angels. It doesn't turn out so good because a couple of the angels decide that now that they're free there's going to be some changes.

A big hullaballo happens then God turns off the free will with the angels stuck on whatever side they were on. God thought the test went well but doesn't like the ruckus so much so he makes the next batch a lot weaker and limits their range to just Eden, like a personal zoo say. He sets up the bait the tree of good and evil and one day He pretends to turn the corner and then doubles back to see what Adam and Eve get up to.

For maybe a million years nothing happens, maybe God made these guys a little too dumb even with the free will. Then God thinks let's up the ante, he goes around boasting how cool these new creatures are how he expects such great things from them, especially how they're so much better the first batch. Just like with Joseph and his brothers the angels get jealous. The good ones are stuck though they can't go against God, the bad ones not so much, to put it lightly. They know they can't just rush in blasting; maybe God will get so upset he might blast them out of existence.

But no, the dark angels had a better plan why don't they make it seem as though God's precious new children betrayed him. Maybe some of them thought "Please it's a setup, this is exactly what He planned." but as time passed they got fed up and took this bait. So everything goes down according to the master plan and God has an opponent or opponents plus something to play for.

To make sure that things aren't boring he set it up so that the odds are stacked against Him and only a couple people get saved, it's Him against the world. Of course He can win anytime he wants to. He can even start completely from the beginning of time if he wants but who knows maybe he already did that a couple times and now he wants to see it to the end.

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