What Determines Your Auto Insurance Rate
This is a mistake because oftentimes you will find out that you are paying way to much each policy period.
When you are looking for insurance or if you are just shopping your insurance around trying to make sure that your rates are the best possible there are some things that you can do to help lower your rate.
Knowing what the insurance companies are actually looking for can help you get these things in order before you call around for quotes.
So what exactly is your insurance company basing your rates on? Here are a few items that they take into account that will directly affect your policy premium: Your Credit Rating - This is one of the most important things that an insurance company is going to be looking at.
Insurance companies, whether fair or not, look at it this way, if you are careless with your credit that must translate into carelessness behind the wheel.
So before you begin getting quotes run your credit report and carefully look it over.
If there is anything on the report that can be removed or cleared up do so prior to getting your quotes.
Doing this simple step can save you hundreds of dollars.
Your Stability - One thing that people often overlook is the fact that the questions they are asking you is trying to help them determine how stable you are as a person.
For example when they ask you how long you have been at your job, what they are looking to find is if you are dependable and reliable or do you just jump from job to job.
This is also why they ask how many years you have been at your current residence.
If you are changing jobs and home address frequently the insurance companies will label you as a higher risk and this will cost you extra money on your premiums.
Marital Status - Many insurance companies offer lower rates to couples who are married.
There figures show them that married couples tend to be more patient and careful drivers.
Married people are considered less of a risk to the insurance company's bottom line than their single counterparts.
So if your marital status has changed make sure that you let them know.
Many factors go into your insurance rate and these three are some that most people either don't know or oftentimes overlook.
By not knowing exactly what the insurance companies are looking for you could end up costing yourself extra money.
So before you actually call for auto insurance rates take some time and make your application for insurance look as good as it possible can, it will save you money.