Hospital Tycoon Cheats
- Hospital Tycoon is a video game title widely available for the PC. In the game, players control a hospital staff and attempt to control and treat patients with odd diseases. Running on the Windows operating system, Hospital Tycoon features several playable modes and an intriguing storyline. Appropriate for children and adults alike, this title is an entertaining addition to the "tycoon" series. Those wishing to advance more quickly through the game can take advantage of several cheats that are available.
- In Hospital Tycoon, you can unlock a number of cheats by imputing the following codes provided by
Code: Speedy
Effect: Doctors and Patients Move Faster
Code: Brainy
Effect: Doctors Skills Upgrade Faster
Code: Bargain
Effect: Items Cost Half as Much
Code: Workhouse
Effect: No Recreation Needed - By entering the code, "makemeagod" in the bonus code menu, you will unlock all of the available cheats at once. There is no penalty for using this code and it will be recognized under high scores.
- There are downloadable cheats available for Hospital Tycoon that allow players to practice with trainers and save their progress at any time throughout the course of the game. See the link in the Resource section below to download and access these cheats.