Personal Injury Attorneys Statistics for the Brownsville, Harlington and Mcallen Area
Personal injuries are happening all around us every day. Some are minor and some are catastrophic. Accidents occur at home, at work, on constructions sites and on our roads and highways. All can be deadly, but because motor vehicle accidents are very visible and happen to many of us and usually at one time in our lives, at least, these are the statistics that are commonly publicized. Car accidents are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths every year in our country. And too many lives are lost in Texas.
Reasons for Motor Vehicle Accidents
Accidents occur for many reasons. In some instances, the cause is due to mechanical failure and defective equipment and acts of nature. But most often, human error is the cause. Many thousands of lives are saved every year because people use their seat belts. In Texas, seat belt use is at a high of 90% of vehicle occupants. Almost half of the annual deaths due to car accidents belong to the 10% not wearing seat belts.
Another example of human error causing deaths on the road is mixing drinking and driving. Intoxicated drivers or "alcohol-related traffic fatalities" account for about 41% of all traffic deaths nationwide. Texas does very poorly in this area with a much higher percentage rate. A total of 48% of deaths attributed to drinking and driving occurred in Texas in 2006. These statistics and more can be found at the website of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Personal Injury Statistics
In 2008 in Brownsville, three out of twelve fatal accidents was caused by drunken drivers compared to the figure in Harlington where drunken drivers caused one of the three that occurred in that same year.
The number of fatal vehicle accidents per 100,000 population in Texas overall compared to the number in Brownsville, Harlington and McAllen over a 25 year period reveals that these three cities seem to be safer places in which to drive. During the period between 1973 and 2007, Brownsville had fewer fatal accidents per 100,000 population than Texas in every year but two, 1993 and 2003. In Harlington, the same was true; fewer fatal car crashes in every year but two, 2005 and 2006. However, it doesn't appear to be a rising trend in Harlington because in the following two years, the figure dropped to less than half. And in McAllen, year after year consistently, the overall number of fatal accidents per 100,000 population has been lower than Texas overall, with the exception of one year, which was 2002. These accident injury statistics are available at the web address
Don't allow yourself to be counted among the motor vehicle statistics. Wear your seat belt and don't mix drinking and driving and you will reduce you chances of death by auto accident. You can't control other people's behavior, but you can take precautions and control your own.