What is the Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - Effective Belly Fat Exercise to Tighten Your Abdominal
With all the hype going on nowadays, it can be very easy to get the wrong information.
Today you don't have to worry about that because I will share some proven and effective belly fat exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home.
These will help you to shed the excess belly fat while tightening your abs at the same time.
The first thing you need to do is to warm up.
Warming up helps to get your heart rate up so that you can get into fat burning mode.
Warming up also helps to prevent you from having cramps which comes from working out with cold muscles.
To Warm up, you can do about 3 sets of 50 jumping jacks.
Now stretch your leg muscles by bending over forward and touching your toes while keeping your legs straight.
Hold the position for at least 15 seconds.
Now you are ready for your belly fat exercises! Exercise #1 - The Common Abdominal Crunch ** This is one of the most common belly fat exercise.
You will lay on your back on the ground or a relatively hard surface.
Interlock the palms of your hands behind your head while bending your legs at the knee so that they form a right angle (should look like an inverted 'V').
** Raise your upper body and go as close as possible to your knee without moving your legs and without your bottom coming off the ground.
Lower your upper body as close as possible to the ground without touching it and then go back as close to your knee again.
From the ground up to your knee and back is one rep.
Do about 3 sets of 30 repetitions.
This exercises will target the upper abdominals.
Exercise #2 - Leg Lifts This exercise is more targeted to the lower abdominals and the back.
It helps to develop a firm midsection while building your core strength.
Like the abdominal crunches, you will lay on your back.
Stretch out your hands and lay them by your side with the palms facing down.
Keep your feet outstretched and slowly raise them until the are at a 45 degree angle to the floor.
Hold the position for about 5 seconds and then lower your legs as close as possible to the floor without touching it.
Raise your legs again and continue the cycle.
From the floor to the hold position and back to the floor is one rep.
Do about 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
Don't procrastinate - Start now Do you want to have a flat and sexy mid section? If yes, start doing the above exercises now.
They are very simple and can be done even while you are watching your favorite movie on tv.
The sooner you start the sooner you will see the results.
Today you don't have to worry about that because I will share some proven and effective belly fat exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home.
These will help you to shed the excess belly fat while tightening your abs at the same time.
The first thing you need to do is to warm up.
Warming up helps to get your heart rate up so that you can get into fat burning mode.
Warming up also helps to prevent you from having cramps which comes from working out with cold muscles.
To Warm up, you can do about 3 sets of 50 jumping jacks.
Now stretch your leg muscles by bending over forward and touching your toes while keeping your legs straight.
Hold the position for at least 15 seconds.
Now you are ready for your belly fat exercises! Exercise #1 - The Common Abdominal Crunch ** This is one of the most common belly fat exercise.
You will lay on your back on the ground or a relatively hard surface.
Interlock the palms of your hands behind your head while bending your legs at the knee so that they form a right angle (should look like an inverted 'V').
** Raise your upper body and go as close as possible to your knee without moving your legs and without your bottom coming off the ground.
Lower your upper body as close as possible to the ground without touching it and then go back as close to your knee again.
From the ground up to your knee and back is one rep.
Do about 3 sets of 30 repetitions.
This exercises will target the upper abdominals.
Exercise #2 - Leg Lifts This exercise is more targeted to the lower abdominals and the back.
It helps to develop a firm midsection while building your core strength.
Like the abdominal crunches, you will lay on your back.
Stretch out your hands and lay them by your side with the palms facing down.
Keep your feet outstretched and slowly raise them until the are at a 45 degree angle to the floor.
Hold the position for about 5 seconds and then lower your legs as close as possible to the floor without touching it.
Raise your legs again and continue the cycle.
From the floor to the hold position and back to the floor is one rep.
Do about 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
Don't procrastinate - Start now Do you want to have a flat and sexy mid section? If yes, start doing the above exercises now.
They are very simple and can be done even while you are watching your favorite movie on tv.
The sooner you start the sooner you will see the results.